This is what he accomplished in Ophelia because he brings meaning to the painting due to the play it is based on as well as the usage of the surrounding scenery. The surrounding scenery is placed around Ophelia thus making her the certain point for the viewer's eyes to be drawn to. Sir...
"You'll love the Ophelia & Co. Life Is Beautiful by Debi Coules - Print on Paper at Wayfair - Great Deals on all products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff."
Yet, despite the aesthetic appeal of painting Shakespeare, there was a fear that "the art of the painter" could never "equal the sublimity of our poet". The fear of having Shakespeare conversed into works of visual art appears to be grounded on a narrow perception of the visual art work...
Using you for hispurposes Till you end up apawnin the king's evil plan Ophelia, they're breaking your heart Your dad and that heartless cadHamlet Whoa, Ophelia, you can't take much more But when will yousnap? I'm not sure... I'm not sure. You've gone nuts, now you sing and ...