There with fantastic garlands did she come. Of crow-flowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples. There on the pendant boughs her coronet weeds Clambering to hang an envious sliver broke. When down the weedy trophies and herself Fell in the weeping brook.” 亚瑟.休斯,《奥菲利亚,他不会再来...
"Ophelia enters with her hair and whole figure entwined with chains of flowers; and in her thin outer skirt, she carries a mass of them. She advances slowly with the strange light of insanity in her eyes, sits down upon the floor, and plays with the flowers in a childish way, as she...
There on the pendant boughes, her Coronet weeds 在那里,在垂枝上,她想把野草做的花冠 Clambring to hang; an enuious sliuer broke, 挂上去,一条邪恶的枝条断了; When downe the Weedy Trophies, and her selfe, 她和她野草做的花环, Fell in the weeping Brooke, her cloathes spred wide, 一起...
Ofcrow-flowers,nettles,daisies,andlongpurples. Thereonthependantboughshercoronetweeds Clamberingtohanganenvioussliverbroke. Whendowntheweedytrophiesandherself Fellintheweepingbrook." ArthurHughes(1832-1915),Opheliaand HeWillNotComeAgain,1863-64 OpheliaandHeWillNotComeAgain奥菲莉娅 ...
father and for her lost and murderous prince, in shakespeare's play the tragical history of hamlet, prince of denmark. hughes' ophelia stands quietly, hanging her flowers in the fronds of a willow tree; some willow pieces trail through her red, flowing hair in lieu of a bridal headdress....
Of crow-flowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples That liberal shepherds give a grosser name, But our cold maids do dead men's fingers call them: There, on the pendent boughs her coronet weeds Clambering to hang, an envious sliver broke; ...
At Ophelia's funeral, Queen Gertrude sprinkles flowers on Ophelia's grave ("sweets to the sweet,") and says she wished Ophelia could have been Hamlet's wife. Laertes then jumps into Ophelia's grave excavation, and proclaims how much he loved her. Hamlet, nearby, then challenges Laertes, ...
The Symbolic Meaning of Ophelia's Flowers Rosemary is for remembrance. ... Pansies are for thoughts, closely connected to memory, of keeping people within your thoughts. Rue is a call for those around her to regret and repent their past evil deeds. ...
They focused primarily on the truth and reality. Description Millais used real flowers in full bloom as well as damaged leaves (Tate Gallery). His flowers are the same as the ones …show more content… She has her hands spread out similar to the cross of Jesus Christ (Tate Gallery). ...
5. In what way are Hamlet's insults to Ophelia at the play-scene necessary either to his purpose of convincing her of his insanity or to his purpose of revenge? And, even if he did regard them as somehow means to these ends, is it conceivable that he would have uttered them, if hi...