lolbuildsopggaram UpdatedFeb 25, 2022 C# An app that makes your own League of Legends card dartlolflutteropgg UpdatedJan 12, 2023 Dart Fast high-level web crawling and web scraping tool for OP.GG apiscraperdatabaseleague-of-legendsguidelolrankingreplaymmropgg ...这个 ...
mode = "aram" else: mode = "" selection.isOpggBuildShowed = True signalBus.toOpggBuildInterface.emit(championId, mode, position) async def autoPick(data, selection: ChampionSelection): """ 自动选用英雄 Binary file modified BIN -2 Bytes (100%) app/resource/i18n/Seraphine.zh_CN.qm Binary... 去掉5 来自iPhone客户端3楼2020-07-10 12:32 收起回复 ZTIMQQ 震慑全场 11 lolalytics,这个是外服的数据库 来自Android客户端4楼2020-07-10 13:09 收起回复 ±不会懂ˉ的 极地学徒 1 给力 5楼2021-06-04 17:37 回复 ...
Howling Abyss aka ARAM: check the OP Tier of champions in the bench OP.GG Pick Easily check and analyze your season's most played champions are suitable for the current meta We also recommend champions that have good synergy with your season's most played champions Multi-search Quickly check...
ARAM TEAMFIGHT TACTICS THE MOST POPULAR GAME MODE Clear your lane, dive into epic 5v5 team fights, and destroy the enemy nexus before they destroy yours. Assemble a squad of champions that battle on your behalf. Outlast all seven of your opponents and become the last person standing. ...
opgg的数据是不是..opgg的数据是不是没有lolalytics准确?感觉胜率排名不靠谱啊,刀妹上个版本加强后这么强,胜率才20多名?lolalytics胜率第一感觉就很合理。@流年逝水乔 opgg里有aram选项,就是大乱斗
ARAM TEAMFIGHT TACTICS THE MOST POPULAR GAME MODE Clear your lane, dive into epic 5v5 team fights, and destroy the enemy nexus before they destroy yours. Assemble a squad of champions that battle on your behalf. Outlast all seven of your opponents and become the last person standing. ...
{ label: '大乱斗', value: 'aram' }, { label: '斗魂竞技场', value: 'arena' }, { label: '极限闪击', value: 'nexus_blitz' }, { label: '无限火力', value: 'urf' } { label: MODE_TEXT['ranked'], value: 'ranked' }, { label: MODE_TEXT['aram'], value: 'aram' }, { lab...
self.defaultModes=['ranked','aram','arena'] self.tierList={mode:Noneformodeinself.defaultModes} self.version=None self.defaultTier=cfg.get(cfg.opggTier) self.defaultRegion=cfg.get(cfg.opggRegion) self.session=aiohttp.ClientSession("") ...