Terminate communication with the CSC only when the transmission has been confirmed as OK. Eutelsat CSC, France - Contact Numbers: Tel: +33 1 45 57 06 66 Fax: +33 1 45 75 07 07 E-mail: csc@eutelsat.fr Web: http://www.eutelsat.com Full details of Line-up procedures can be found ...
Significantly improved performance with use of filter() function in calculated fields. Primary registration numbers for customer and vendor accounts are now exported instead of tax exempt numbers. Labels are used in configurations. Encoding of index.xml file is updated. DTD file attac...
It all starts with how you are connecting with the investors. A cold list and prayer is not the answer here. You can write the most compelling intro email with the most compelling numbers and get shut down or ghosted 100% of the time. There just isn’t enough time in the world for V...
The sprint backlog is basically your work breakdown structure, if you’re more comfortable with that terminology, except that the tasks are worded more in terms of what feature they provide instead of in terms of what specific things you need to do; this fosters communication with the product ...
Beginning with this release there's a new naming convention for version numbers of the dual-write core solution. The format of the version number is 1.0.YYMMW.versionNumber, where "YYMMW" are the calendar year, month, and week in which the version build is created. The ...
Some of the draw of the model, and why Google is highly aligned with it, is Kubernetes itself. k8s is very complex to run drives people back a little bit to the old priest-in-the-tabernacle model of “someone maintains the infrastructure and you write the app and then you have them de...
Integration with these systems is often complex. Additionally, communication between the production floor and the back office can be difficult. By creating business events that are triggered when production orders are updated, you can help improve communications between the back office and the ...
ranges). A bench-level worker's intuition may become more important; if they can sense an instrument is beginning to degrade in performance, that's a signal that should be acted upon. If a tech thinks that the method is going bad, don't feel obligated to stick to the QC numbers. ...
Production processes can be very complex with many control parameters and environmental conditions affecting production in many ways. Optimization approaches provide a methodology to adjust the production process control variables based on different running conditions and decision models to deliver a higher ...
Defining, communicating, implementing, and auditing policy gets complex with scale. And it then becomes a huge source of friction on real operational work, despite attempts to document it. So just like we’ve fixed similar problems, let’s do it as code. ...