But more important, a professional relationship developed between Halevi and Kurilla throughout the months of the Swords of Iron/Northern Arrows war that evolved into a close friendship. During the war, Kurilla visited Israel 15 times, and often sat down for a heart-to-heart talk with Halevi ...
There is reason to believe that when the Aztecs went to war they played a “death whistle” that made piercing noises resembling a human scream. They sound like the “scream of 1,000 corpses.” At the beginning of a battle, the whistles’ unnerving sound would break the resolve of the e...
3–8). These are the individual units that constitutethe ambience act described by Galloway, which now appears not as a unifiedwhole but rather as an amalgam of, to use Bogost’swords“discrete, disconnectedactions.”It must be stressed that unit operations need not be machine acts, to stay...
Romans, Chinese, and Syrians all added improvements to this metal wonderworking that could turn chunky iron ore into swords and sewing needles. Europe came late to the game—circa 700s—but its steel mills were precursors to the first factories of the Industrial Revolution. A modern representati...