这是国外某大学管理学院的一个课程——运营管理课(operations management).大家观看这个视频,既可以学习运营管理的管理课程,也可以当做一个英语听力的培训。
Introduction to Operations Management-Chapter 1Chapter
Operations Management OperationsManagement–DaemenCollegeManhattanCampus (Stevenson10thEdition)Chapter1V.Cox Memo:HavingajointmeetingwithMarketingandFinancewillallow:a.Differentdepartmentstohaveamutualunderstandingofeachothers’rolesandfunctions.b.Enablethefirmtobreakdownbarriersbetweendepartments.c.Enablethedepartmentsto...
Chapter1INTRODUCTIONTOOPERATIONSMANAGEMENT 系统标签: operationsmanagementchaptervegetablessuboptimizationoutputs 1 Chapter1 INTRODUCTIONTOOPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 2 OperationsManagement=OM ManagementofANYactivities/processthatcreategoodsand provideservices »ExemplaryActivities:Forecasting,Scheduling,Qualitymanagement Whytostudy...
1-4 Learning Objectives When you complete this chapter you should be able to: 1.1 Define operations management 1.2 Explain the distinction between goods and services 1.3 Explain the difference between production and productivity Copyright ? 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. 1-5 Learning Objectives When ...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Definition of Operations Management (OM)、Importance of Operations Management (OM)、Three Issues at the Core of Operations Managment等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
By the end of this course, the student should be able to understand and appreciate the basic concepts of Production/Operations Management; know its importance in the success of the business; and learn the major POM concepts, quantitative tools and techniques that are used in tactical and ...
Show moreView chapterExplore book Operations Management Chen H. Chung, in Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 2003 I.A. Operations Management Defined Operations management is concerned with the economical use of inputs (human resources, capital, materials, etc.) in a transformation process that resul...
1. Introduction The chapter focuses on the analysis of the impact of packaging in Operations Management (OM) along the whole supply chain. The product packaging system (i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary packages and accessories) is highly relevant in the supply chain and its importance is gr...
Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services PowerPoint Presentation for Chapter 1 Introduction to the Field Chase Aquilano Jacobs Eighth Edition Irwin/McGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc1>., 1998 Chapter 1 Introduction to the Field Why Study Operations Management? Definition...