Defining a microbial species is also challenging[85,86]. Therefore, microbialecologiststhat use molecular approaches, such as sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, apply anoperational taxonomic unit(OTU)definition in lieu of species. OTUs are just that: operational, and so they can be defined us...
operational taxonomic unitsOTU definitionOTU reliability and stabilitypost‐clusteringReClustORsoil microbial communitiesEnvironmental microbial communities are now widely studied using metabarcoding approaches, thanks to the democratization of high‐throughput DNA sequencing technologies. The massive number of reads...
1、OTU是什么? OTU(operational taxonomic units),即操作分类单元。通过一定的距离度量方法计算两两不同序列之间的距离度量或相似性,继而设置特定的分类阈值,获得同一阈值下的距离矩阵,进行聚类操作,形成不同的分类单元。专业解释太书面不好理解?没事儿,给你举个“栗子”就明白了! 2、OTU在16S测序中有何用? 高通...
网络分类单元;运筹分类单位;分类单位 网络释义
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is posing important computational challenges, requiring specialized bioinformatics solutions at different stages during the processing pipeline, such as assembly of paired-end reads, chimera removal, correction of sequencing errors, and clustering of those sequences into Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). ...
Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials: Definition and operational criteria Introducing DOTUR, a computer program for defining operational taxonomic units and estimating species richness A Polydiagnostic Application of Operational Criteria in Studies of Psychotic Illness: Development and Reliability of the OPCR...
Recent advances have made it possible to analyze high-throughput marker-gene sequencing data without resorting to the customary construction of molecular operational taxonomic units (OTUs): clusters of sequencing reads that differ by less than a fixed dissimilarity threshold. New methods control errors ...