Landing on both feet, an agonized flare of red in one of his eyes occurs at the same time, the loss of it's functions immediately felt. PERMANENT INJURY: Blind. [ 1d2 = 2 ] <If a result of 1: left eye lost; if a result of 2: right eye lost. Instantly relieved by the Over...
The Red Devils (as their German opponents had christened them) were supported by raids on Italian heavy gun batteries by both the SAS and the Commandos. Meanwhile the main seaborne forces of General Montgomery’s Eighth Army raced to relieve the beleaguered glider men and capture the port of ...
The hesitation was gone, and midfield battles just didn't happen as often. While there was welcomed improvement to the CPU's attacking behavior on the wings, such as not always performing a cut-back on Legendary, it was replaced with this perfect motion of "pass-and-move" that...
Today, the Anchor Bar sells millions of hot wings annually. Still, there are many other Buffalo restaurants and taverns that put out some pretty impressive hot wings. So, for this writer, with proper kudos to the Anchor Bar as the birthplace of hot wings, I will take a dozen of Duff's...