Naval Forces Europe (CNE)/Naval Forces Africa (CNA)/Sixth Fleet (C6F) operational planning group was stood up, and only 15 days after the establishment of Joint Task Force (JTF) Odyssey Dawn. This compressed timeline, the dynamic and shifting environment in Libya, and the U.S. Presidential...
This story is based on real events that occurred between 1942 and 1943, when the Americans began a series of diplomatic hostilities against Argentina while it defended its sovereignty and neutralism. In an alternate timeline not unlike our own, the American nations met at the 1942 Pan-American ...
coastal guards illuminated the American vessels by searchlights, but the lights were quickly destroyed by machine guns mounted on Allied ships. By dawn, 3,500 American troops had already landed. Just before 0700 hours, two French aircraft approached the fleet, but they were driven off by anti-a...
OPERATION WATCHTOWER is the tenth game in the TSWW series. It will cover the South West Pacific theatre, dealing with the Japanese thrust towards New Zealand and Australia, and the first major Allied counter offensive launched by Pacific Command against the critical island of Guadalcanal. ...
new block counts as of October. These residential block counts are derived from the geocodes of the individual addresses in the Master Address File (MAF). The Census Geocoder tool allows users to upload a file of addresses (or enter in an individual address) to obtain census geography and ...
Nevertheless, the timeline shows a very stable behavior of the antenna pattern. While the standard deviations are almost always inside a limit of +/−0.2 dB (with very few execeptions), the extreme values do not exceed +/−0.3 dB (excluding data takes disturbed by poor weather ...