Related to operation code: operandThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. operation code - the portion of a set of operation descriptions that specifies the operation to be performed; the set of operations in a computer order code computer code, code - (comp...
An\nopcode retriever is provided, associated with the memory\nfor retrieving an opcode portion of the instruction word.\nAn operand retreiver is also provided which is independent\nof the operation of the processor and is responsive to the\nopcode for retrieving the operand portion of the\n...
A processor accesses memory storing a compressed instruction sequence that includes compression information indicating that an instruction that with respect to the preceding instruction, has identical operation code and operand continuity is compressed. The processor includes a fetcher that fetches a bit str...
commission- the state of being in good working order and ready for operation; "put the ships into commission"; "the motor was out of commission" running- the state of being in operation; "the engine is running smoothly" idle- the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling; "...
.model small.stack.datasource db 33h,34h,35h,36htarget db 80 dup(?).code.startupmov ax,dsmov es,axcldmov si,offset sourcemov di,offset targetmov cx,80rep movsbmov si,0mov bx,offset targetagain:mov dl,[bx+si]mov ah,2int 21hinc sicmp si,80jb ag
Operands are the data that operations manipulate. An ISA defines the types and formats of operands for a particular architecture. For example, in the case of the MPC823(Motorola/Freescale PowerPC), SA-1110 (Intel StrongARM), and many other architectures, the ISA defines simple operand types of...
Symbolic Error Code PersonalIdentityNotAvailable Description You must use a work account to sign in to Microsoft Advertising. This error is returned for example, when the user selected their personal Microsoft Account (MSA) identity via the consent prompt, and they only have a work account with ...
Each raster-operation code represents a Boolean operation in which the values of the pixels in the selected pen and the destination bitmap are combined. Following are the two operands used in these operations. 展開表格 Operand Meaning P Selected pen D Destination bitmap Following are t...
public String errorCode() Get the errorCode property: The error code. Returns: the errorCode value.fromJson public static ManagedIntegrationRuntimeOperationResult fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) Reads an instance of ManagedIntegrationRuntimeOperationResult from the JsonReader. Parameters: j...
Here is 1 public repository matching this topic... Calculate an arithmetic operation using operand and operator stacks. Arithmetic operation is given in string format. coperandarithmetic-operationstack-implementationoperator-pop UpdatedJun 6, 2019 ...