operating system《操作系统》ch01-introduction-44 ComputerScience&TechnologySchoolofShanDongUniversity&SoftwareCollege OperatingSystem CourseNo:0303100111Instructor:HouMengbo(Dr.&AssociateProf.)Email:houmbATsdu.edu.cn Office:InstituteofInformationSecurity.SpecialistBuildingRm.324,SoftwareCampus,SDU Introduction ...
Chapter 1 Introduction to Operating System Bernard Chen Spring 2007 Outline 1.1 What is OS 1.2 Computer System Organization 1.3 Computer System Architecture 1.4 OS Structure 1.5 OS Operations 1.6-1.8 Process, Memory, Storage management 1.9 Protection and Security 1.10~ Systems 1.1 What is Operating Sy...
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONWhat is an Operating System?Mainframe SystemsDesktop SystemsMultiprocessor SystemsDistributed Systems Clustered SystemReal -Time SystemsHandheld SystemsFeature puting EnvironmentsWHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM?An operating system (操作系统) manages puter resources, such as CPUs, Memories, ...
CPU调度程序 调度程序 衡量调度的标准 先来先服务调度 先来先服务调度(续) 最短作业优先调度 优先级调度 时间片轮转 多级队列 多级反馈队列调度 多级反馈队列实例 * Scheduling in Interactive Systems (5) Multiple queues Guaranteed scheduling Lottery scheduling Give processes lottery tickets for various system ...
《计算机专业英语》中职教学课件Lesson 6 Operating System.ppt, 操作系统发展了好几十年主要有两个原因:首先,他们能让电脑用户在一个舒适的环境里建立和执行程序。其次,操作系统对确保计算机系统很好地运行帮助很大。它们可以科学地分配好几种工作。有了操作系统,计算
operatingsystem操作系统-ch01-introduction-44 1.2 1.3 1.4 ChapterObjectives ToprovideagrandtourofthemajoroperatingsystemscomponentsToprovidecoverageofbasiccomputersystemorganization 1.6 ContentOverview WhatOperatingSystemsDoComputer-SystemOrganizationComputer-SystemArchitectureOperating-SystemStructureOperating-System...
参考教材 1: Introduction 引论 What is an operating system?什么是操作系统? Simple Batch Systems简单批处理系统 Multiprogramming Batched Systems多道程序批处理系统 Time-Sharing Systems分时系统 Personal-Computer Systems 个人计算机系统 Parallel Systems并行系统 Distributed Systems分布式系统 Real -Time Systems实时...
Chapter1:IntroductionChapter1:Introduction 1.6 ChapterObjectivesChapterObjectives Toprovideagrandtourofthemajoroperatingsystemscomponents Toprovidecoverageofbasiccomputersystemorganization 1.7 ContentOverviewContentOverview WhatOperatingSystemsDo Computer-SystemOrganization ...
Operating System Concepts Threads A thread (or lightweight process) is a basic unit of CPU utilization; it consists of: Stack space PCB in the kernel A thread shares with its peer threads its: Text/Code section Data section collectively known as a task. A traditional or heavyweight process ...
Modern Operating system-chap1-pptSm**弥烟 上传4.23 MB 文件格式 ppt 操作系统 现代操作系统-引论 --- 幻灯片1:封面 - 标题:现代操作系统 - 副标题:chapter 1 - Introduction - 作者:[你的名字] - 日期:[当前日期] - 学校/机构:[你的学校或机构名称] --- 幻灯片2:目录 - 介绍 - 操作系统的定义...