首先,考虑租赁期限。在finance lease中,租赁期通常会覆盖资产使用寿命的75%以上。相反,operating lease的租赁期限往往较短,与之相比更具灵活性。其次,所有权转移的可能性是另一个关键区别。finance lease中,所有权转移的预期是显著的,意味着租赁结束后,资产归承租方所有。相比之下,operating lease中...
Leases are classified currently under IAS 17, Leases, as finance or operating leases at inception, depending on whether substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership transfer to the lessee. Under a finance lease, the lessee has substantially all of the risks and rew...
一、两者的目的不同:1、finance lease(融资租赁)的目的:以融资为主要目的,承租人有明显购置资产的企图。2、operation lease(经营租赁)的目的:承租人单纯为了满足生产、经营上短期或临时的需要而租入资产。二、两者的特点不同:1、finance lease(融资租赁)的特点:融资租赁除了融资方式灵活的特点外...
(3)Direct finance lease是资产从lessor资产负债表上remove掉,同时增加lease receivable,因为资产已经从lessor账上消掉,lessor不用确认折旧费用,但是因为是融资性质的,lessor要在损益表中确认interest income。与sales-type lease/国际准则finance lease的区别是,direct finance lease不确认selling profit。 ---虽然现在很辛...
4. 该资产有明显的特殊性,只有lessee才能使用 大概就是这些特征。除此之外的都可以算是operating lease...
lease payments and it will structure the lease as a finance lease accordingly. If a lessor can sell or lease non-specialised assets to other parties at the end of the lease and is willing to accept the financial risk on this then this could be an indicator of an operating lease. Assets ...
Leases are classified currently under IAS 17,Leases, as finance or operating leases at inception, depending on whether substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership transfer to the lessee. Under a finance lease, the lessee has substantially all of the risks and reward of ownership. Situatio...
finance lease 借:长期应付款—应收融资租赁款(最低租赁收款额)未担保余值 营业外支出(租赁资产公允价值小于账面价值)贷:融资租赁资产(租赁资产账面原值)银行存款(初始直接费用)营业外收入(租赁资产公允价值大于账面价值)未实现融资收益 operating lease 借:银行存款 贷:应收账款 借:应收账款 ...
Financial lease 是融资租赁,financial rent 是经营租赁,它们之间的区别百度来的:经营租赁,又称为业务...
“算作是承租人的资产”,金融租赁(finance lease):租期结束的时候拥有该资产。相当于借钱买资产 “不算做是承租人的资产”,经营租赁(operating lease):租期结束的时候不拥有该资产,相当于支付租金 在财务报表里面的理解是,对于金融租赁呢,实际上更像是分期付款。比如像是按揭买房这样,我们可以把它粗糙的理解为是...