comprehensive income [...] 根據營業租約 而 需支付之租金(扣除自出租人收取之任何獎勵金後)於全面收益表中入賬,並按有關 租約年期以直線法計算。 asiasat.comAs this presentation will not change in the short term, the issue of a transparent allocation of operating costs remains a...
by the sustained rise in rural and urban income has provided Vinda International with a favorableoperating environment. 城鄉居民收入日益提高,使個人衛生用品需求持續擴大,優質生活用紙產品需求增長更 為顯著,為維達國際締造了 有利的經營環 境。
AcronymDefinition ROCRegistration of Company ROCReceiver Operating Characteristic(signal detection theory) ROCRate of Change ROCRepublic of China ROCRepublic of Congo ROCRace of Champions ROCRoc-A-Fella Records(music label) ROCRecord of Communication ...
▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 operating system— 操作系统 · 作业系统 operating形— 经营上的形 · 业务上的形 operating environment— 操作环境 · 作业环境 · 运算环境 environment名— 周围名 · 生活环境名 · 自然环境名 system名— 制名 · 体名 ...
With financial uncertainty surrounding the forest sector, any additional source of income is usually accepted without much opposition. However, as described in this study, the long-term costs of not protecting machine operating trails with brush mats can easily out-weigh the short-term revenue ...
For example, growing timber in plantations (e.g., to fuel high and wasteful uses of energy in high income economies) using high amounts of fresh water in places where water is scarce and undernourishment is widespread would not contribute to overarching sustainable development goals. In light ...