Bothoperatingexpenses and cost of goods sold (COGS) are expenditures that companies incur with runni...
Cost of goods sold is also referred to as "cost of sales." 这个也是销售成本的另一种说法 Oper...
Operating income is an accounting figure that measures the amount of profit realized from a business's operations, after deducting operating expenses such as wages, depreciation and cost of goods sold (COGS).营业收入指的是用以衡量在扣除工资、折旧和销货成本等营业费用后企业通过业务经营而实现的利润的...
即:Operating Profit = Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold - Operating Expenses。 营业收入(Revenue)是指企业在营业期间取得的收入,包括销售商品、提供劳务收取的费用、投资收益等。 营业成本(Cost of Goods Sold)是指企业在营业期间发生的直接可以计入成本的支出,一般包括原材料、包装、运输费、人工成本等。 营业费用(...
英语翻译,以下是什么意思?急~I believe you lumped all the operating expenses into Cost of Goods Sold , and did not include anything in Other Operating Expenses.Can you please provide a break-out of these two expenses? 答案 你把所有的运营开支都算到“已售商品成本”里面了,而“其他运营开支”这...
Amortization expenses as cost of goods soldandoperating expensewere$2,844 and $1,181 for the nine-month periods ended [...] 合併公司民國一○○年前三季及九十九年前三季認列無形資產攤銷費用分別為 2,844千元及1,181千元,列於製造費用及營業費用項下。
Add total operating expenses and cost of goods sold or COGS to arrive at the total operating costs for the period.将总营业费用和销货成本相加,获得当期的总营业成本。Deciphering Operating Costs 解读营业成本 Businesses have to keep track of operating costs as well as the costs associated with non-...
adead sea firming serum 变牢固清液的死海[translate] a杜绝浪费, 从我做起 The stop waste, starts from me[translate] awe find that cash flows related to sales, cost of goods sold and operating expenses 我们发现现金流动关连与被卖的物品的销售、费用和营业费用[translate]...
b. What is the cost of goods sold (COGS)? Thecost of goods soldincludes all expensesdirectly tied to the production of goods and services. COGS include the cost of: Materials Labor Production facility rental, utilities, insurance, and taxes ...
a不,我还没有去过那儿 No, I have not gone there[translate] aderive ‘‘core’’ cash flows related to sales, cost of goods sold, operating expenses, and ‘‘noncore’’ 获得``核心"现金流动与被卖的物品的销售、费用,营业费用和``noncore "[translate]...