It was commissioned by NBC and first performed by the NBC Opera Theatre on December 24, 1951, in New York City at NBC studio 8H in Rockefeller Center, where it was broadcast live on television from that venue as the debut production of the Hallmark Hall of Fame. It was the first opera...
Porgy and Bess was first performed in New York City on September 30, 1935 and featured an entire cast of classically trained African-American singers—a daring artistic choice at the time. After an initially unpopular public reception, the Houston Grand Opera production of the opera gained ...
Porgy and Bess was first performed in New York City on September 30, 1935 and featured an entire cast of classically trained African-American singers—a daring artistic choice at the time. After an initially unpopular public reception, the Houston Grand Opera production of the opera gained ...
Porgy and Bess was first performed in New York City on September 30, 1935 and featured an entire cast of classically trained African-American singers—a daring artistic choice at the time. After an initially unpopular public reception, the Houston Grand Opera production of the opera gained ...
Porgy and Bess was first performed in New York City on September 30, 1935 and featured an entire cast of classically trained African-American singers—a daring artistic choice at the time. After an initially unpopular public reception, the Houston Grand Opera production of the opera gained ...
Porgy and Bess was first performed in New York City on September 30, 1935 and featured an entire cast of classically trained African-American singers—a daring artistic choice at the time. After an initially unpopular public reception, the Houston Grand Opera production of the opera gained ...
Porgy and Bess was first performed in New York City on September 30, 1935 and featured an entire cast of classically trained African-American singers—a daring artistic choice at the time. After an initially unpopular public reception, the Houston Grand Opera production of the opera gained ...
| Poster for Federal Music Project presentation of "The Romance of Robot" a romantic satire by Frederic Hart and Tillman Breiseth, and "La Serva Padrona" a comic interlude by Pergolesi; dramatic production devised and directed by Felix Brentano, with Paul Vellucci, music director, and Felicia ...
•BorninNewYorkCityandraisedbyanoverbearing傲慢的;骄傲自大的;蛮横的mother,shereceivedhermusicaleducationinGreeceandestablishedhercareer inItaly.Forcedtodealwiththeexigencies急切需要ofwartimepovertyandwithmyopia近视;缺乏远见that lefthernearlyblindonstage,sheenduredstrugglesandscandaloverthecourseofhercareer.She...
In 1839, Milan was a city of one hundred and fifty thousand people. It had been ceded to Austria under the terms of The Congress of Vienna in 1815 and was the capital of the province of Lombardy-Venitia. The Austrians kept a tight rein on the local population. There were Austrian soldi...