In the present series of translational analyses, we evaluated both ABA and ABC renewal and assessed whether these two renewal arrangements may be present in a single participant's behavior. Results produced evidence of both ABA and ABC renewal, and both types of renewal were detected in an ...
-The avoidance behavior of 11 rats was observed following a change in the stimulus context of training. Following 75 90-min. sessions, the lever was moved from a right-side to a center-wall position. Avoidance performance was severely disrupted in the first session following the lever-change ...
Context specificity of extinguished schedule-induced drinking within an ABA renewal design in rats/Especificidad contextual de la extincion de la bebida inducida por programa en un diseno de renovacion ABA en ratas Drug-seeking behavior and drug-taking rituals are proposed here as behaviors embedded...
Now, to the question posed in the title. In a methodological sense, the operant response is indeed free. There are not physical constraints to prevent nor physical “assists” to facilitate the response. But could the operant be free in the everyday sense of behavior being novel, creative, ...
Operant behaviorRelapseHighlights Undergraduate students were assessed on a videogame task. Using three virtual contexts during extinction reduced ABA renewal of operant performance. Conducting extinction in multiple contexts might enhances the generalization of the extinction learning to other contexts. ...
climate forcingland cover changedeforestationsolar irradiancecarbon dioxideland–atmosphere interactionclimate–Applied Behavioral Assessmentdoi:10.1007/978-0-387-79061-9_4201Victor BrovkinAndrey GanopolskiMartin ClaussenClaudia KubatzkiV PetoukhovSpringer US...
Evaluating extinction, renewal, and resurgence of operant behavior in humans with Amazon Mechanical TurkAmazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a crowdsourcing marketplace providing researchers with the opportunity to collect behavioral data from remote participants at a low cost. Recent research demonstrated ...
The present experiments provided a novel examination of renewal of operant behavior by changing social stimuli across phases in an ABA renewal preparation. In both experiments, social stimuli were arranged by placing another rat in a second compartment of a divided operant chamber. In Experiment 1,...
Returning the rats to the original conditioning context renewed the initial operant behavior. However, we found that both types of extinction-cues (intermittent and continuous) attenuated ABA renewal equally. In addition, both responses underwent extinction in Experiment 2. For half of the subjects, ...
Two experiments with humans explored the ABA renewal and spontaneous recovery of operant performance previously eliminated through a differential reinforcement-of-other-behavior (DRO). Participants played a videogame in which they acquired two operant responses in Phase 1. Then, all participants ...