An expression within parentheses is evaluated first, then treated as a singleoperand. 圆括号中的表达式最先被求值, 因此可以被视为一个单独的操作数. 期刊摘选 An operator that represents an operation on one and only oneoperand. 一种只对一个操作数进行运算的算子或算符. ...
operand Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to operand:Opcode op·er·and (ŏp′ər-ənd) n. A quantity on which a mathematical or logical operation is performed. [From Latinoperandum, neuter gerundive ofoperārī,to operate; seeoperate.] ...
operand stack 操作对象栈,操作数栈 symbolic operand 符号操作数,符号运算数 operand storage 【计】 操作数存储器 相似单词 operand 运算对象,操作数 最新单词 autonomics什么意思及同义词 n. 自动系统程序控制研究 autonomic什么意思及同义词 a. 自治的,自律的 autonavigator的中文意思 自动导航仪; 自动领...
The meaning of OPERAND is something (such as a quantity or data) that is operated on (as in a mathematical operation); also : the address in a computer instruction of data to be operated on.
为范式,以产品为中心,以价值的“交换价值”含义为基础。其中物质和自然资源等静态的有形资源称为对象性资源(operand resource),服务主导逻辑(S-D Logic)认为所有的经济交换以服务为基础,产品只是资源传递和应用的工具。其中知识、技术和创新等动态的无形资源称之为操作性资源(operantr source)。
Operand data type nvarchar is invalid for sum operator Operand data type varchar is invalid for sum operator Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date Operand type clash: uniqueidentifier is incompatible with bigint Operand type clash: uniqueidentifier is incompatible with int Operating system ...
int main() { doubleoperand2;double answer; cin >>operand1 >> operation >>operand2; 浏览3提问于2017-09-18得票数0 1回答 Java -如何验证以下输入格式'operandoperatoroperand‘(例如1.4 * 5) 、、、 the exit phrase // Step 3: Enter the equation in the form - System.out.print("Enter the ...
某些字节码指令将值压入操作数栈,其余的字节码指令将操作数取出栈。使用它们后再把结果压入栈 比如:执行复制、交换、求和等操作 代码举例 1. public void testAddOperation(){2. byte i = 15;3. int j = 8;4. int k = i + j;5. } 字节码指令信息 ...