1 在手机桌面中,点击“Opera”软件图标。2.关闭Speed Dial功能 1 在“Opera > 设置”界面中,取消勾选“Speed Dial”选项的勾选开关。2 “Speed Dial”选项显示为“关闭”状态即可。
opera11.10 speed dial的一些经验和遇到的问题 1,官网上推荐的speed dial内容的宽为260px,高度195。 但实际上speed dial面板的标题占用了大约28像素的高度!最终比较合适的推荐高度应该是155像素 2,对于使用view-mode:minimized控制speed dial内容的样式 官网上说可以使用外联css文件 但实际上如果使用外联css文件,对sp...
您值得拥有更好的浏览器 比預設瀏覽器更快、更安全、更聰明。Opera瀏覽器完全具備隱私、安全性以及您在線上所做的所有事情的功能。 立即下载
Opera Software今天宣布了适用于Android平台的Opera 57正式版更新,主要为省流量功能提供更多精细化控制, 改善离线保存页面功能,当用户在地址栏上输入的时候能够快速访问Speed Dial,以及支持Web 3域名。在Opera 9.2版本更新中,Opera添加了对Speed Dial的支持,该功能允许用户将自己喜欢的网站固定在新标签页上。而在...
How do I delete Speed Dial entries? How do I create a Speed Dial folder? How do I use ad blocker in Opera? How do I add my own rules/lists to Opera’s ad blocker? How do I enable the tracker blocker feature in Opera? How do I make a website an exception for tracker blocker?
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There is one solution, and it is to create a bookmark and put it on the bookmarks bar, then you can even delete text, and you have a properly working speed dial button, but Im not using bookmarks bar. The speed dial button in the sidebar, I could get used to it, if it worked ...
Opera syncs your bookmarks, Speed Dial entries, browsing history, passwords, settings, and open tabs with your other Opera browsers through an Opera account. Sign into your Opera account on your home and work computer, your phone and your tablet, and you can pick up where you left off ...
One more thing that happened when I started to log in to the forum. On the speed dial screen there was again the "recommended for you'll area, offering me Google, which just happens to be the first of my regular icons. I understand the commercial aspect of Opera, but not stupid things...
DNA-111432 Fix looks of tiles in ‘Add a speed dial’ panel DNA-111441 [adblock] “Turn off for this page” is not working DNA-111443 Divide TileView into small components DNA-111446 Find a way to speed up history query DNA-111451 Add Context menu to copy/paste URL from SD dialog pag...