Hotels auf der ganzen Welt nutzen die Hotelmanagement-Technologie von Oracle, um jedem Gast eine außergewöhnliche, personalisierte Erfahrung zu bieten und jeden Mitarbeiter mit leistungsstarken Tools und Services auszustatten, die ihre Arbeit erleichtern und ihre Produktivität steigern. Proper...
Take your hotel operations to the next level with OPERA Cloud. Learn why hotels are moving to OPERA Cloud Give guests the experience they want and maximize your incremental revenue throughout the guest journey. Discover Nor1 Upsell Solutions ...
Hotels worldwide use Oracle hotel management technology to help deliver exceptional, personalized experiences for each guest and provide staff with powerful tools and services to make their work simpler and increase productivity. Property management system ...
Opera Hotel Edition Property Management System, Sales & Catering System and Quality Management System Opera Key Benefits Created on 2002-03-27 12:00 • 单一数据库设计;增加准确性和短时间处理 Opera 酒店管理系统中的档案资料,客人预订和高级团队可在前台管理模块 (PMS) ,宴会销售模块 (S&C) 和质量管理...
Opera前台管理系统功能简介.pdf,Opera Hotel Edition Property Management System, Sales Catering System and Quality Management System Opera Key Benefits Created on 2002-03-27 12:00 要利 益的歌剧 • 单一数据库设计;增加准确性和短时间处理 Opera 酒店管理系统
酒店管理信息系统(Hotel Management Information System,HMIS)属于管理信息系统的一个重要分支,其主要功能是实现计算机管理系统在酒店管理中的具体运用,是在充分把握酒店手工信息处理流程的基础上,进行信息采集、归类、整理,从而达到集中统一地管理酒店信息及其流向的工具、软件,为酒店经营管理和正确决策提供帮助和参考。酒店客...
Discover the future of hotel management withOPERA Cloud. Minimize your need for upfront hardware investments and reduce the ongoing costs of maintenance while simultaneously maximizing performance and scalability. From seamless reservations to the highest level of security, you can trust OPERA Cloud ...
关键字:OPERA酒店管理系统;校企合作;教学研究【Keywords】 OPERA hotel management system; school-enterprise cooperation;teaching research 【中图分类号】 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1673-1069(2017)12-0098-02 1 OPERA酒店管理系统的应用及特点目前主流国际酒店连锁集团(Marriott、Shangri-La、InterContinental、...
Hotels worldwide use Oracle hotel management technology to help deliver exceptional, personalized experiences for each guest and provide staff with powerful tools and services to make their work simpler and increase productivity. Property management system Room reservation software Sales and catering software...