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System: Windows 10 64-bit (WoW64) Any ideas, I'm getting to the point of switching browsers as Opera is becoming too much trouble 0 1 条回复 最后回复 2018年3月10日 17:43 spannell @spannell 2018年3月10日 17:43 For anyone seeing this issue too, I found if you disable "Predict...
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Windows, ios, android, macos... For example on gmail i have 10-15 different mail addresses and different passwords for each. Now opera says i have 15 mails and one password, same password for all emails. So one combination is correct and 14 others are wrong. How on earth could this ...
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Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) HP Envy received with Windows 8.1 upgraded to Windows 10 Tags: HP ENVY 700-010xt CTO Desktop PC Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) View All (2) Category: Others Reply I have the same question 1 ACCEPTED...
* DNA-25703 Autoupdate is not working properly for 64bit Opera * DNA-25704 Adjacent bookmark gets edited bookmark’s URL * DNA-25705 When starting sync with a stored invalid account (deleted by Auth server) there are DCHECKs and bad behavior DNA-25707 Use a name identifier for preinstalled...
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Linux下,64位的Firefox、Opera等浏览器默认搜索到的Flash插件是32位的,安装之后也不能正常工作。 需要手工安装一下。...tar.gz 使用wget命令下载: wget 2.安装 解压下载的压缩文件 tar -zxf flash...
SelezionaVerifica disponibilità aggiornamentie installa l'aggiornamento cumulativo di aprile 2019. Per istruzioni, vediAggiornare Windows 10. Nota:se la reinstallazione del Language Pack non risolve il problema, reimposta il PC come indicato di seguito: ...