1 选择End of Day,选择第二个”End of Day Reports” ,日期选择结账日期(当月最后一天)2 点击”Search”,选择第四个”PPSZV Aging Summary for All Types”,点击”Print”
Configuration Reports Departures Reports End of Day Reports Group Business - In-House Detail Report (nagrpbusiness) Event Reports Financials Reports Forecast Reports Guests In-House Reports Housekeeping Reports Miscellaneous Reports Profiles Reports
Room Management→Housekeeping→Room Discrepancies矛盾差异房,分三种:1.Skip:Housekeeping显示空房而(AVC)Front Desk 显示在住(OCC) 2.Sleep: HSKP显示OCC,FO显示VAC 3.Person 表示HSKP的实际入住人数与FO显示的人数有差异. Room Management→Out Of Oder锁房. Comment...
1、Opera 系统的构成Opera 系统主控界面由:“Reservations ”、”Front Desk”、“Cashiering ”、“RoomsM anagemen”t 、“AR”、“Commissions”、“Miscellaneous ”、“Setup ”、“End of Day ”、和“ Help ”十个下拉菜单组成 。1 / 14Reservations ” 菜单“ Reservations ” 菜单由以下选项构成1. “...
End of Day(夜审) Night Audit(夜审) End of Day Reports(重印夜审报表) Miscellaneous(杂项) Reports(报表) Reports Scheduler(报表计划) Interfaces(接口) Show Quick Keys(显示快捷键) Change Password(更改密码) Data Extraction(数据导出) Pint Tasks(打印任务) User Activty Log(用户操作记录) File Downloa...
六、 “End of Day ”夜审 “End of Day ” 夜审菜单由以下选项构成 1. “Night Auditor” 夜审:做夜审即每天清机结帐 2. “Reprint NA Reports”重打印夜审报表:可以按日期打印加入夜审程序中的报表。 Opera 系统的“Options ”(功能)选项的作用。一、 在“Front Desk”中“In House Guests”的“...
“End of Day ” 夜审菜单由以下选项构成“Night Auditor” 夜审:做夜审即每天清机结帐“Reprint NA Reports”重打印夜审报表:可以按日期打印加入夜审程序中的报表。Opera系统的“Options ”(功能)选项的作用。在“Front Desk”中“In House Guests”的“Option”在“Front Desk”菜单中点击“In House ...
“AR”、“Commissions”、“Miscellaneous”、“Setup”、“End of Day”、和“Help”十个下拉菜单组成。 “Reservations” 菜单 “Reservations” 菜单由以下选项构成 “New Reservation”:做新预定。 “Update Reservation” 更新和修改预定。 “wait List” 等待分房客人报表。(有约定未分分房的客人信息) “Blocks...
Move Down. Select the button to move the highlighted report down in the sequence of when the final reports are ran.New. Adds a new report to the final reports that are run during the end of day procedure.Edit. Edit the settings for the highlighted final report (See Create/Edit a Final...
“End of Day”夜审 E nd of Day夜审菜单山以下选项构成 1. "Night Auditor夜审:做夜审即每天淸机结帐 2. "Reprint NA Reports" Opera系统的"Options”(功能)选项的作用「 —、在“Front Desk”中“In House Guests”的“Option” 1.在“Front Desk"菜单中点击Tn House Guests”会出现如下菜单,在“Room...