請開啟 Mac App Store 以購買和下載 App。 Opera App 4+ Frigerio Viaggi S.R.L. 專為iPhone 設計 免費 提供App 內購買 iPhone 截圖 簡介 LA LOMBARDIA E LE SFIDE DEL TURISMO: La ricchezza dei territori lombardi con la loro storia, arte, cultura e natura, unita all’operosità del suo...
App Store 预览 此App 只在 iPhone 和 iPad 的 App Store 中提供。Opera: 快速 & 安全 17+ 极速的网络浏览器 Opera Norway AS 4.8 • 8,818 个评分 免费 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 快速、安全,Opera 是一款设计精美的网络浏览器。以其令人惊叹的用户界面设计,获得了国际红点设计大奖。它专为移动场景打造,...
user experience. As for my rating ... i see many apps rated 5 stars. This app under promises and over delivers. In the USA, I’m fortunate to have a voice and proudly state opinions and question authority. Share your thoughts shamelessly with pride and kindness. That is an option that...
user experience. As for my rating ... i see many apps rated 5 stars. This app under promises and over delivers. In the USA, I’m fortunate to have a voice and proudly state opinions and question authority. Share your thoughts shamelessly with pride and kindness. That is an option that...
Opera-made and other third-party extensions in theadd-ons storegive your browser extra functionalities, such as weather apps, calculators, notepads, and more. Must-have features Learn about the features people use every day which make browsing with Opera the best. ...
Some sites and web apps may ask to access your computer’s microphone. For example, a live-chat app may want to use your mic so you can speak to another person through their service. By default, Opera will always ask you to allow a site to access your microphone. Opera will remember ...
While Opera is leveraging its brand and engaged user base in order to grow and develop new products and services for people who seek a better internet experience, Opera's PC and mobile web browsers, content discovery platform Opera News, and apps dedicated to gaming, and Web3 ar...
「SkySafari」 是一个在你口袋里随身携带的天文馆。只需将打开 「SkySafari」 并将手机对准天空,即可快速定位数百万颗恒星和其他隐藏在深空中的天体。在 AR 模式下还可以调用摄像头,将天体的位置与真实的天空相对应。 SkySafariapps.apple.com/cn/app/skysafari/id1257281849?uo=4...
Xataka Android. Noticias e información sobre el Sistema Operativo para dispositivos móviles de Google y de su ecosistema (Android Auto, Android TV, wearOS, etc.), más en Xatakandroid.com
There are lots of other time-saving features within it. The app includesaddress auto-complete, and aFind in Pagetool, plus it can remember passwords and integrate with your favorite password manager apps. It also supportsOpera Link, which lets you synchronize your bookmarks with your desktop ver...