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@korol78The reason I ask is that the setting seems to stick fine for me for Opera 111.0.5168.25 64-bit on Windows 11 23H2 for example. Could be something corrupted with your Preferences file. ...
I am using windows 11 (i think 64 bit). I tried getting the installer from both chrome and microsoft edge. . 0 burnout426 Volunteer 2024年12月6日 21:01 Have you tried the offline installer from the Opera GX section at
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L'installazione di Windows 11 su una macchina virtuale è simile all'installazione di Windows 11 su un computer fisico. Quando si crea una macchina virtuale con Windows 11 come sistema operativo guest, Fusion aggiunge vTPM (Virtual Trusted Platform Module) alla macchina virtuale....
Microsoft Defender aktualizácia pre inštaláciu operačného systému Windows obrázok: 32-bitová verzia | 64-bitová verzia | ARM64 Poznámka: Tieto prepojenia odkazujú na defender-update-kit-[x86|x64|arm].zip. Extrahujte tento .zip súbor a získ...
Řeší problém, ke kterému dochází při spuštění 32bitové aplikace v 64bitové verzi Windows 11. Pokud zavoláte netserverenum(),může vrátit chybu 87 nebo chybu 1231. Řeší problém, který znemožňuje spuštění vaš...
For me, on Windows 11, since the developer version update before this one, the password manager does not work anymore: it is empty, and adding new passwords does not work. I can select "save" after login somewhere, but checking back at the password manager shows it still empty, and of...
hntc255 15.00 11 32指的是你的opera是32bit的 Jeff6634 17.00 13 不能复制应该是不会的吧,不能带格式复制才是presto的毛病——吧主驾到。 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.45 Safari/537.36 OPR/15.0.11...
Opera GX 80.0.4170.91 64-bit on Windows 11 Version 21H2 (Build 22000.282) (Fresh profile, no adblocker, no extensions, no vpn, no sync) I'm getting "Exception thrown, see Javascript console". Tried 2 games so far.FlowandSuper Crazy Turkey Arcade. Edit: Seems like every game....