R安装“openxlsx”包,出现以下错误 方法1——安装Rtools: 安装R的时候只是安装了base包,没有安装Rtools,Rtools用于在windows本机构建R或R的package。Rtool安装之后包仍然无法安装成功。 方法2——切换镜像: 在RStudio中选择Tools——Global options——packages——Cran mirror——change——更换为国内的镜像。 再次...
R package: generate best-practice stats spreadsheets for publication accessibilityspreadsheetrstatsreproducible-analytical-pipelineopenxlsxrstats-packageuk-gov-data-science UpdatedFeb 14, 2025 R medsagou/massar-direction-sagoubot Star5 Code Issues
在R中读取和加载多个Excel工作表 使用openxlsx将多个describeBy摘要写入到Excel工作簿中的单个工作表 导出到R中的现有excel工作表 在R中从单个Excel工作表创建多个工作簿 R:从for循环向表中添加行 在Visual Studio C#中向现有的Excel工作表添加数据 用于向文件中添加文本的excel vba按钮 ...
The most popular alternative to the xlsx package (shown in Example 1) is thereadxl package. Thereadxl packageis part of theTidyverseand therefore highly compatible with Tidyverse’s family of R packages (e.g.ggplot2ordplyr). First, we need to install and load the readxl package to R: inst...
R中openxlsx读取excel2003版xls报错:openxlsxcan not read .xls or .xlm files! 报错信息:openxlsxcan not read .xls or .xlm files!报错原因:openxlsx不支持2003版excel格式的读取。解决方法:使用readxl包library(readxl)tt= read_xls("test.xls")head(tt);dim(tt)用法和openxlsx一致。
Thanks for the package. On my system, I can read a file, write it. But it is corrupted for excel. Even a simple file such as: write.xlsx(iris, file = "writeXLSX1.xlsx", colNames = TRUE, borders = "rows") I am sending by email the corresp...
I’m trying to export a data frame to .xlsx file using the write.xlsx function in the openxlsx package. I keep receiving the error below and not sure how to get around it. Do you know what the issue is? write.xlsx (qry_Claims_Transactions, '/mnt_Hf1fi0002_...
1.0,而不是4.0.17。你的R版本太老了。(RStudio版本无关紧要。当前的openxlsx需要R 3.3.0或...
Describe the bug First of all, thanks more making such a great package. I used it last year and it was an amazing help. This is my first bug posting, so please forgive me if I am missing any relevant details. I am writing data to an exis...