This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins. We will continue to accept Pull Requests here. They will be merged via staging trees then into openwrt.git. - OpenWrt 24
5.集成 Docker 服务,可在 OpenWrt 内自由部署 Docker 应用 Expand DownExpand Up@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ ├── 内核日志<br/> ├── 系统进程<br/> ├── 实时信息<br/> ├── 在线用户<br/> ├── 实时监控<br/> ├── 在线用户<br/> ...
Ultra small wifi wireless router module HLK-7688A openwrt HLK-MT7688A based on MT7688AN is a low cost and low power consumption IOT module developed by Hi-Link.The module supports Linux, OpenWRT operating system and custom development. It could be widely ...
MT7688AN/MT7628AN Serial Port to Wifi Wireless Routing Module EBYTE E103-W20 SMD Small Size Support Openwrt IPEX SPI UART Search by image Find what you love with better prices on AliExpress by using an image search Drag an image here...
small-package 常用OpenWrt软件包源码合集,同步上游更新! 关于有好的插件请在issues提交 感谢以上github仓库所有者! 使用方式: sed -i'$a src-git smpackage'feeds.conf.default 对于强迫症的同学(有报错信息、或Lean源码编译出错的情况),请尝试删除冲突的插件 ...
Openwrt automatic compilation project of github action,include immrotalwrt openwrt lean platforms, Support x86 R2S R2C R4S R5S R5C H66K H68K H69K R66S R68S RPi3 RPi4 etc. - smallprogram/OpenWrtAction
关于Github Action自动编译Lean_Openwrt的配置修改问题 1. 注册GitHub账号并开启GitHub Actions (自行搜索方法). 2. fork coolsnowwolf/lede 或者OpenWrt trunk. 3. 上传openwrt-ci.yml和merge-upstream.yml到/.github/workflows/下. 4. 定制固件: 如果你希望定制你的固件: 代码里的注释部分详细介绍了如何在脚本...
Matrix: Build all affected Kernels / Upload ccache cache to s3 Waiting for pending jobs Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with ️ by humans.txt Annotations 1 error Build Kernel Canceling since a higher priority waiting request for 'Build Kernel-refs/heads/openwrt-24.10' exists ...
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions1.github/workflows/RaspberryPi3-OpenWrt.yml Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change Expand Up@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ jobs: [ -e files ] && mv files $OPENWRT_PATH/files [ -e $CONFIG_FILE ] && mv $CONFIG_FILE $OPENWRT_PATH/.config...
5. 集成Docker 服务,可在 OpenWrt 内自由部署 Docker 应用 @@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ ├── 内核日志<br/> ├── 系统进程<br/> ├── 实时信息<br/> ├── 在线用户<br/> ├── 实时监控<br/> ├── 在线用户<br/> ├── WireGuard 状态<br/> ├── 负载均衡<br/> └── 释放内存...