-打开电脑Tailscale管理界面中的页面。从省略号图标菜单找到机器后,打开Edit route settings..面板,并勾选各出口路由或Use as exit node选项。-任一子网上的设备的路由流量都应该能够通过VPN网实现。如果您已将此设备配置为Exit Node节点,则现在应该可以从您的tailscale应用程序中选择它作为Exit Node节点。您可以使用pi...
在Tailscale 的控制台中,找到你的机器名称,并点击编辑路由设置,确保子网路由已正确配置。 设置出口模式 如果你希望将 OpenWrt 软路由作为中转出海的服务器,可以运行以下命令设置出口模式: sh tailscale up --advertise-exit-node 然后,在 Tailscale 网页端打开“出口模式”。 禁用密钥过期 Tailscale 一般每隔 6 ...
https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/services/vpn/tailscale/start 6. 设置使用exit node, IP地址换成exit node的地址,后面的内网地址也换成自己的,想要取消,把exit node换成空格。这个设置好,需要重启路由器。 tailscale up --accept-routes --advertise-routes= --exit-node= --netfilter-mo...
有大佬在op旁路由上..能不能直接开exit node代理局域网内设备的流量呀,我这边开了以后设备在pinfo.io显示的ip信息变成出口节点的信息了,但是流量没代理成功
tar x -zvC / -f openwrt-tailscale-enabler-<tag>.tgz opkg update opkg install --force-overwrite libustream-openssl ca-bundle kmod-tun iptables-nft /etc/init.d/tailscale start tailscale up --advertise-routes= --advertise-exit-node --netfilter-mode=off注意在安装依赖包时需要使用...
安装tailscale:8. 使用SSH连接,通过提供的链接添加节点。9. 为子网添加访问权限,参考官方文档进行设置。10. 确保使用exit node,重启路由器后问题出现:403 forbidden错误,原因是/etc/nginx/restrict_locally中的deny all指令。非原版openwrt安装nginx:11. 将ipk文件传输并安装,通过测试命令确认安装成功...
What happens when I try to route traffic through an exit node? When I run the command to route traffic through an exit node, things get weird. This is weird and spooky. When I tell this OpenWRT router to use a@Tailscaleexit node, I can no longer ping the exit node IP, and the pi...
My project was getting one subnet router running openwrt/tailscale at my place and an exit node router at my inlaws running openwrt/tailscale so the inlaws can connect to the router at my place and everything works as if they're at home (their streaming services etc). I came past ...
How to enable the exit-node function in this installation method? I followed the configuration of other tutorials online and used the tailscale up -advertise-exit-node command to enable it. It also showed that it was enabled, but the client could not use the exit function of the node. ...
tailscale的exit node