设置开机自启并启动Docker sudo systemctl enable docker # 设置开机启动 systemctl enable docker sudo systemctl start docker 更换国内源 sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF' { "registry-mirrors": ["https://k7en6s5m.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] } EOF sudo systemctl ...
然后使之生效:sudo sysctl --system 更新系统,安装软件: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y sudo apt install docker.io -y sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl software-properties-common apt-transpo...
1Panel 版本 1.9.2 请描述您的需求或者改进建议 能否增加适合openwrt使用的1panl,使用别的一键安装,虽然成功了,但全是问题。 请描述你建议的实现方案 No response 附加信息 No response
stok=<stok>/api/xqsystem/check_rom_update # Check your interface name, in my case it's enp9s0 ip a systemctl stop NetworkManager systemctl stop firewalld systemctl stop systemd-resolved.service # Check if there's no iptables rules which could block dhcp/tftp traffic (UDP 67, UDP 69)...
Remove the Requires=docker.socket directive from the /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service file if present Remove -H fd:// from the ExecStart directive (both in the main unit file, and in any drop-in files present).After making those changes, run sudo systemctl daemon-reload, and sudo ...
设置systemd服务: sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable x11vnc.service sudo systemctl start x11vnc5.6.4 测试远程桌面在电脑上启动VNC客户端软件, 在地址栏输入: IP地址:5900 连接即可, 效果如下图所示, 图中设备IP地址为192.168.1.123, 使用端口5900进行连接:...
systemctl restart ceph-mon.target 1. 创建mgr管理组件 ceph luminous版本之后新增加了一个组件:ceph manager daemon ,简称ceph-mgr 该组件的主要作用是分担和扩展monitor的部分功能,减轻monitor的负担,让更好的管理ceph存储系统 ceph dashboard图形化管理就用到了mgr 1、创建一个mgr [root@ceph1 ceph 07:11:17...
# Edit the configuration file sudo vim /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json # Edit the default configuration for debian sudo vim /etc/default/shadowsocks-libev # Start the service sudo /etc/init.d/shadowsocks-libev start # for sysvinit, or sudo systemctl start shadowsocks-libev # for systemd...