9 Archer-C7-V5 21 Asus-RT-AC51U 10 Asus-RT-AC56U 16 Asus-RT-AC58U 5 Asus-RT-AC65P 7 Asus-RT-AC68U 5 Asus-RT-AC85P 22 Asus-RT-AC87U 31 Asus-RT-AX53U 5 Asus-RT-N14U 6 Asus-RT-N16 16 Asus-RT-N56U 8 Asus-RT-N66U 11 Banana-Pi3-Mini 48 Banana-Pi4 8 BananaPi-BPi-...
things become easier as it has kernel 3.18.11 inside. There is a few approaches to install OpenWRT into RT-N16, see [1]. We take the easiest way, i.e. using TFTP from an Ubuntu PC.
Dec 27 20:26:22 RT-N16: start httpd Dec 27 20:26:22 start_nat_rules: apply the nat_rules(/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)! Dec 27 20:30:51 rc_service: httpd 550:notify_rc restart_wireless Dec 27 20:32:50 HTTP login: Detect abnormal logins at 5 times. The newest one was from 192...
Configure the build and compile The next step is to modify the kernel version used for our target, and to complete the menuconfig of OpenWRT before we can start building the new image. The build target depends on the model and brand of the router. The target for the ASUS RT-N16 router...
大师,我有一只华硕 RT-N16刚烧坏。估计是电源芯片软损坏,偶尔可以用的。你要的话我寄给你(运费我付...
Openwrt支持的路由器列表202007 # ↓Brand Model Versions 13Com 3CRWER100-75 24GSystems AccessCube(MeshCube)37Links PX-4885 48devices Carambola1 58devices Carambola2 68devices Lima 78devices Rambutan 88devices Jalapeno 98devices HabaneroDVK 10AbicomInternationalFreedomCPE Rev05 11AbicomInternationalScorpion...
华硕ASUS RT-N16tomatoBroadcom BCM4716xware_mipsel_32_uclibc MCS4 2BayMCSAPM80186xware_my_book_live 华硕ASUS ac68uDD-WRTBroadcom 4708xware_armel_v5te_glibc Buffalo LinkStation LS-WVL/EBuffalo 官方版固件Feroceon 88FR131 rev 1 (v5l)Xware1.0.22_armel_v5te_glibc ...
而路由器刷openWrt可以使用迅雷远程下载任何资源,可以使用DLNA等共享给电视直接播放,可以使用SS+chinaDNS实现“科学上网”,这些正是我需要的。 一、硬件准备 在恩山上研究可以刷openWrt的路由器,网件的WNDR4300自带刷不死buff,最主要是价格便宜,正是我需要的,在京东降价的时候入手。