openwrt operation not permitted 文心快码BaiduComate 在OpenWrt系统中遇到“operation not permitted”错误时,通常表示当前用户没有足够的权限来执行某个操作。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和考虑因素: 确认错误出现的上下文: 确定是在执行什么操作时出现了这个错误。例如,是在尝试安装软件包、修改系统文件、启动服务等时...
装完系统后跑起来,想要opkg update 一下,就出现了 operation not permitted 这个错误。 反复折腾后发现自己好了。。。可能是要给他点时间
解决方式是在使用vi命令打开文件时,前面加上sudo来暂时提供管理员权限,比方使用命令“sudo vi hosts”打开编辑文件。 由此看来,sudo命令是非常实用的,当我们运行某种操作系统提示诸如“operation not permitted”等权限不足信息时,我们非常多时候都能够在命令前面加上sudo来解决权限不足问题。比方当我们从linuxserver上下...
Getting a (Failed to send request: Operation not permitted) on wget or opkg updates. On a router that is disabled for ipv6 addressing on its internet port. If i forget to disable ipv6 on any other interface/vlan. while pings and dns works. Deleting/disabling the last ipv6 address, solv...
tar:can't create symlink './bin/ash' to 'busybox':Operationnotpermitted 然后使用Reboot指令重启 使用如下指令查看是否挂载到根目录 df -h 运行结果 大功告成! 参考资料:
chown: changing ownership of `conf/thttpd.conf': Operation not permitted chown: changing ownership of `conf/': Operation not permitted linux@ubuntu:/usr/local/thttpd$ sudo chown -R linux:linux conf/ linux@ubuntu:/usr/local/thttpd$ ls -l ...
FYI, I don't know what is the sendto failed (1) Operation not permitted means, I did google and it seems related to IPv6? Can you initial the socket with IPv4 bind only? I have disabled ipv6/ip6tables on my openwrt. not sure if this will cause the failed(1) Operation not permi...
安装docker之后(安装docker方法见下文),使用systemctl提示Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted (有问题,不用看) try02 特权模式创建centos容器,安装docker docker run -p 8922:22 -p 8936:3306 --privileged -it --name=centos7-openwrt centos:7.6.1810 /usr/sbin/init ...
root@turmes /home/zoobab/docker [15]# docker run -i openwrt-x86 /sbin/init init started: BusyBox v1.19.4 (2013-03-06 20:07:44 UTC) sysinit: date: can't set kernel time zone: Operation not permitted sysinit: Loading defaults sysinit: Loading synflood protection sysinit: Adding custom...
Fri Nov 22 19:36:15 2024 daemon.err odhcp6c[9296]: Failed to send SOLICIT message to ff02::1:2 (Operation not permitted) Firewall still at default settings I have dual uplink, one PPPoE and another routed. Both are working with IPv6 in an old Netgear WNDR3800 (OpenWrt 22.03.3 r20...