Configuring libffmpeg-mini.Configuring libshout.Configuring libsndfile.Configuring mpd-full. 4楼2014-11-09 16:34 回复 yungenlan 打酱油的 5 晕运行一段时间就没有空间了。。。root@OpenWrt:/# /etc/init.d/mpd enableln: /etc/rc.d/S93mpd: No space left on device 5楼2014-11-10 21:39 ...
安装MPD服务首先确保你12章的测试和操作OK声卡已经正常工作了。然后开始安装软件包,我们教程中使用的是mpd-mini该软件包是mpd的OpenWRT精简版完成了主要的功能,而且也比较节省CPU和内存。root@SmartRouter:/# opkg updateroot@SmartRouter:/# opkg install mpd-mini为MPD准备文件夹和文件第一步: 创建必须的文件夹,...
Kernel modules-->USB Support-->kmod-usb2 Libraries-->libffmpeg-mini Sound-->madplay #测试用 Sound-->mpd-full Utilities-->alsa-utils 刷固件或安装上面编译的软件包,然后就是在openwrt系统下挂载u盘到/tmp/extroot,其他地方也行。用命令:madplay /tmp/extroot/mp3/xx.mp3测试看看能否正常播放。然后运行a...
方式一:手机控制播放OpenWrt上的音乐(播放的数据来源路由本身) 这种方式下,一般还需要一个usb分线器(X宝上买个十来块,4口的usb hub,不太差的就行)和一个u盘,u盘上创建个“mp3”目录和“.mpd”目录,往这个目录放些mp3格式的歌曲(wma的就不要放进去了,播放太吃力了,在make kernel_menuconfig的是选上了 浮...
But that file is already provided by package * libffmpeg-mini * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package ffmpeg. root@OpenWrt:~# ffmpeg -ash: ffmpeg: not found -- Ticket URL: <> OpenWrt <> ...
root@OpenWrt:~# mkdir .mpd root@OpenWrt:~# mkdir music root@OpenWrt:~# mkdir .mpd/playlists root@OpenWrt:~# vi /etc/mpd.conf Scroll down and look for the audio_output section of the mpd configuration file, and change the reference to/dev/dspto make it look like this: ...
Homepod/HomePodMini方案。 其它商业方案,如Sonos等。 苹果Airport-Express,A1392型号,插上3.5口音频线,苹果本身最便宜等方案了。 使用OwnTone (以前叫 forked-daapd),支持 AirPlay devices/speakers, Apple Remote (and compatibles), MPD clients, Chromecast, network streaming, internet radio, Spotify and Last...
mini build_dir/target-mipsel_24kec+dsp_uClibc- build_dir/target-mipsel_24kec+dsp_uClibc- build_dir/target-mipsel_24kec+dsp_uClibc- build_dir/target-mipsel_24kec+dsp_uClibc- build_dir/target-...
mac80211: do not allow bigger VHT MPDUs than the hardware supports and mac80211: allow bigger A-MSDU sizes in VHT, even if HT is limited fixes performance - tested on DIr-878 and RedmiAC2100 I will try this out Sorry, something went wrong. ...
A overlay file system (mini_fo) that overlays the writable storage volume on top of the read-only boot volume, creating a writable root file system. For the CD/USB-drive combination to work, three things are needed: A replacement for the SquashFS volume. Replacing the JFFS2 volume with a...