mapcalc ethV6 type=map-e,prefix6len=64,ipv4prefix=,prefix4len=32,psidlen=2,offset=16,ealen=32,br=2a01:b4::cafe,pdlen=60 Actual behaviour mapcalc binary output for variable PORTSETS bogus : RULE_1_PORTSETS='1-1073741824 2-1073741825 3-1073741826 4-1073741827 5-1073741828 6-10...
Describe the bug When using full stack IPV4 MAP-E, mapcalc returns too many PORTSETS with port above 65535, see below. When I move from Linksys WRT1900ACS to GL.iNet GL-MT3000, I have my MAP-E configure manualy to get the full stack IPV4...
因为ttyUSB2是用来交互AT指令的,所以可以通过cat /dev/ttyUSB2 & 指令来保持这个接口的输出反馈,然后输入AT指令来控制模块 echo -e "AT+QCCID\r\n" >/dev/ttyUSB2 //查询SIM卡 echo -e "AT+CFUN=1,1\r\n" >/dev/ttyUSB2 //重启模块 echo -e "AT+QSIMDET=1\r\n" >/dev/ttyUSB2 //开启...
配置文件选择jwdlh m = Map("jwdlh", "远程监控配置", "本配置页面用于配置远程监控") s = m:section(TypedSection, "jwdlh") s.anonymous = true s.addremove = false 标签页 s:tab("general", translate("General Settings")) 两个参数,分别是rip和rport s:taboption("general", Value, "rip", ...
openwrt_git_pull命令提示merger冲突时如何解决? 直接贴代码 tf@ubuntu:~/projects/openwrt1407$ git pull Updating 331ecb0..d12dc6e error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: target/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/ar71xx.shtarget/linux/ar71xx/base-files/lib/...
m = Map("piero", translate("Control"), translate("This is design by Piero, in order to test for add a new page.")) m:chain("luci") s = m:section(TypedSection, "controlboard", translate("Control Board")) s.anonymous = true ...
map register cisco ##兼容思科NHRP cisco-authentication cisco ##nhrp密钥为cisco shortcut redirect multicast dynamic ##组播地址动态映射 启动opennhrp /ect/init.d/opennhrp restart 查看opennhrp状态: root@openwrt:~# opennhrpctl show ...
echo -e "AT^DHCP?\r" > /dev/ttyUSB1 AT^DHCP? ^DHCP: F8C9730A,F0FFFFFF,F1C9730A,F1C9730A,096717D4,086717D4,150000000,150000000 perl -e 'print join(",",map { join(".", unpack("C4", pack("L", hex))) } split /,/, shift),"\n"' ...
iremap = -f$(if $(CONFIG_REPRODUCIBLE_DEBUG_INFO),file,macro)-prefix-map=$(1)=$(2) endif PACKAGE_DIR:=$(BIN_DIR)/packages PACKAGE_DIR_ALL:=$(TOPDIR)/staging_dir/packages/$(BOARD) BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(TARGET_DIR_NAME) ...
30、P, $ i: 1 :i :i$ (cal 1 linage/Build/Prof i 1已/NA93u, $ i: 1 :i :i$ (call linage/Bui 1 cl/1 Prijf i 1 e/Y1 .r $ (1) :i$ (cal 1 Iinagp/Build/Prof Hp/YIS, $ i: 1 :i :iendef$(call Image/Build/Profile/HC5661,$(1)endefdts配置(最重要的部分)进入源码...