设置应用白名单:默认情况下,应用过滤会对所有客户端进行过滤,但你可以通过简单的设置,创建自己的应用白名单,只允许特定的应用访问网络。 编译和安装插件:根据你的OpenWrt版本,下载对应的应用过滤插件源码,并按照教程进行编译和安装,确保插件正确地集成到你的路由器系统中。luci-app-oaf是比较好用的编译插件,推荐安装。
CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-oaf=yCONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-onliner=yCONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-openclash=yCONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-openvpn=yCONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-openvpn-server=yCONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-p910nd=yCONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-passwall=y## Configuration#CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-passwall_...
msgid "App Filter Rules" msgstr "应用过滤规则" msgid "It takes effect for all users by default, and only takes effect for the selected users when checked" msgstr "默认对所有用户生效,勾选后只对选择的用户生效" msgid "Select users" msgstr "选择用户" msgid "Id" msgstr "编号" msgid "Hostna...
make package/luci-app-oaf/compile V=s Compile the entire firmware make V=s How to install OAF If you can't compile it yourself, you can install it directly into the released OpenWrt version Install an officially released version of openwrt ...
Remove luci-app-oaf 4年前 scripts Add po2lmo (Try to fix openclash) 5年前 server Add rpi1~4 offical OpenWrt compile 5年前 LICENSE Initial commit 5年前 README.md Update README.md 5年前 README MIT OpenWrt-Rpi 支持设备与编译状态: ...
LuCI ---> Applications ---> luci-app-oaf #应用过滤神器 LuCI ---> Applications ---> luci-app-watchcat #断网检测功能与定时重启 LuCI ---> Applications ---> luci-app-wol #WOL网络唤醒 LuCI ---> Applications ---> luci-app-wrtbwmon #实时流量监测 ...
luci-app-oaf 上午行为管理监控,支持app过滤 luci-app-homeassistant 智能家居系统!它几乎支持所有的智能家居 luci-app-kodexplorer 可道云私人云盘系统 luci-app-wxedge 网心云 硬盘容量和一个好的网络一天收入几块钱 luci-app-nlbwmon 网络宽带监视器
高级设置 luci-app-advanced 定时重启 luci-app-autoreboot Argon 主题设置 luci-app-argon-config 文件传输 luci-app-filetransfer 关机luci-app-poweroff 应用商店 luci-app-store 阿里云盘 WebDAV luci-app-aliyundrive-webdav MentoHUST luci-app-mentohust 甜糖星愿自动采集 luci-app-ttnode Hello World luci-ap...
LuCI ---> Applications ---> luci-app-eqos #根据IP控制网速 LuCI ---> Applications ---> luci-app-syncdial #薛定谔的多拨应用 LuCI ---> Applications ---> luci-app-zerotier #虚拟局域网 LuCI ---> Applications ---> luci-app-oaf #应用过滤神器 ...
Install OAF ipks Unzip thie OAF package and then install ipks in order kmod-oaf appfilter luci-compat(if the luci version is 2.0, openwrt 19.07+) luci-app-oaf luci-i18n-oaf-zh-cn(Chinese Language Pack, optional) Notice If there is no version you need, you need to compile and generat...