Clone the repository to the local.git clone --depth 1 Create aopenwrt-armvirtfolder, and upload the OpenWrt firmware of the ARM kernel ( Eg:openwrt-armvirt-64-default-rootfs.tar.gz) to this~/amlogic-s9xxx-openwrt/openwrt-armvirtdire...
-name:Package Armvirt as OpenWrtuses:ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-openwrt@mainwith:openwrt_path:openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*rootfs.tar.gzopenwrt_board:s905x3_s905x2_s905x_s905w_s905d_s922x_s912openwrt_kernel:6.1.y_5.15.y GitHub Actions Input Parameters Explanation ...
在~/amlogic-s9xxx-openwrt根目录中输入打包命令,如sudo ./make -d -b s905x3 -k 5.10.125。打包完成的 OpenWrt 固件放在根目录下的out文件夹里。 本地化打包参数说明 参数含义说明 -dDefaults使用默认配置 -bBoard指定电视盒子型号,如-b s905x3. 多个型号使用_进行连接,如-b s905x3_s905d。使用all表...
安装Amlogic USB Burning Tool v3.2软件→打开Aml_Burn_Tool软件→文件→导入烧录包→Amlogic USB Burning Tool自动重启变成2.1版本→勾选【擦除flash】和【擦除bootloader】→点击【开始】→盒子电源关闭→盒子接电源线→把USB线一端插上盒子→保持短接(用平口螺丝刀或镊子)→USB另一端插上电脑→通电开机(非必须,...
支持的Amlogic S9xxx系列型号有a311d, s922x, s905x3, s905x2, s905l3a, s912, s905d, s905x, s905w, s905等,例如Belink GT-King, Belink GT-King Pro, UGOOS AM6 Plus, X96-Max+, HK1-Box, H96-Max-X3, Phicomm-N1, Octopus-Planet, Fiberhome HG680P, ZTE B860H等电视盒子。
当你在本地完成 openwrt 个性化配置后,保存并退出配置界面,你可以在本地 openwrt 源码库的根目录下找到 .config 文件( 在代码库的根目录下输入ls -a命令查看全部隐藏文件),你可以把这个文件直接上传到 里你的仓库里,替换config/lede-master/config这个文件。
s905l3a E900V22C/D, CM311-1a-YST, M401A, M411A, UNT403A, UNT413A, ZTE-B863AV3.2-M, CM311-1a-CH, IP112H, B863AV3.1-M2 All amlogic_s905l3a.img s905l3b CM201-1, CM211-1, CM311-1, E900V21D, E900V22D, E900V21E, E900V22E, M302A/M304A, Hisense-IP103H, TY1608, ...
s905l3a E900V22C/D, CM311-1a-YST, M401A, M411A, UNT403A, UNT413A, ZTE-B863AV3.2-M, CM311-1a-CH, IP112H, B863AV3.1-M2 All amlogic_s905l3a.img s905l3b CM201-1, CM211-1, CM311-1, E900V21D, E900V22D, E900V21E, E900V22E, M302A/M304A, Hisense-IP103H, TY1608, ...
(firmware packaging in local Ubuntu and other environments). including OpenWrt firmware install to EMMC and update related functions. Support Amlogic s9xxx TV Boxes area311d, s922x, s905x3, s905x2, s905l3a, s912, s905d, s905x, s905w, s905, etc. such asBelink GT-King, Belink GT-...
Support Amlogic s9xxx TV Boxes are a311d, s922x, s905x3, s905x2, s905l3a, s912, s905d, s905x, s905w, s905, etc. such as Belink GT-King, Belink GT-King Pro, UGOOS AM6 Plus, X96-Max+, HK1-Box, H96-Max-X3, Phicomm-N1, Octopus-Planet, Fiberhome HG680P, ZTE B860H, ...