创建接口后,在通用设置中勾选重启时不发送释放信号(Do not send a Release when restarting);在高级设置里勾选强制链路(Force link),保持勾选使用默认网关(Use default gateway)、使用对端通告的DNS(Use DNS servers advertised by peer),取消勾选IPv6源路由(IPv6 source routing)、分配IPv6前缀(Delegate IPv6 ...
我使用的openwrt1806固件,wan口直接可以从ISP获取ipv6地址,执行ping6命令测试路由器使用ipv6上网,ping6通后证明路由器广域网端使用ipv6正常,接下来就是正题了,配置lan使用ipv6。 $ping6 mp.weixin.qq.com 1. 配置Native(使用relay)使下流主机使用ipv6 ipv6 Native模式,下流所有主机都是使用由ISP分配原生ipv6进...
option masq6 '1' # Enable masquerading NAT6 option masq6_privacy '1' # Optionally enable IPv6 privacy extensions config include 'nat6' option path '/etc/firewall.nat6' option reload '1' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. /etc/firewall.nat6脚本里面就是实现ip6tables规则的设置等...
Openwrt官方HOWTO:NAT6: IPv6 Masquerading Router 注:更推荐清华方案的hotplug方式配置路由。
NAT6 and IPv6 masquerading This article relies on the following: Accessing OpenWrt via CLI Configuring OpenWrt with UCI Managing packages Managing services There is virtually no reason for a home user to useIPv6NATof any sort. If you're here to “fix” anIPv6puzzle, this likely isn't ...
(6)接收广播并开启IPv6转发 接下来要修改的文件是,其中包含的广播和IPv6转发有关的配置需要进行调整,将它们的值都设为“2”: net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra ...
A zone section groups one more interfaces and serves as a source or destination for forwardings, rules and redirects. Masquerading (NAT) of outgoing traffic is controlled on a per-zone basis.防火墙的第三部分内容(转发) :src lan 是 设置转发来源 dest wan 是 设置转发目标 这部分作用描述如下:...
I believe what you are trying to achieve is already mentioned in the OpenWrt docs on this page:NAT6 and IPv6 masquerading. Note:I am not sure if this Wiki page has been updated for the newer releases of OpenWrt. I haven't tried it myself, and not sure if it works as expected. ...
* Clearing IPv6 raw table * Populating IPv6 filter table * Rule 'Allow-DHCPv6' * Rule 'Allow-MLD' * Rule 'Allow-ICMPv6-Input' * Rule 'Allow-ICMPv6-Forward' * Rule 'Allow-IPSec-ESP' * Rule 'Allow-ISAKMP' * Forward 'lan' -> 'wan' ...