说明:刚刷好的OPENWRT,默认是不带luci-web管理的,所以得手工SSH或TELNET上去改WIFI模式,以便通过WIFI连到现有的ROUTER去下载安装luci...: root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# cat wireless config wifi-device 'radio0' option type 'mac80211' option hwmode '11g' option path 'bcma0:1' option country '00' opti...
设置从路由器加入到主路由器所在的网络,并设置该网络为从路由器的WAN网络,这里WPA密钥为主路由器的Wifi密码,新网络的名称只要自己记得就好,我这里使用了Openwrt默认给的wwan 设置接口配置,信道为主路由器发送AP所在的信道,ESSID为主路由器发送AP的ssid,选择模式为客户端Client,BSSID为主路由器的bssid,网络的选择上面...
tcpdump -v -i br-router port not <SSH_PORT_TO_WIRELESS_CLIENT> and ether host <MAC_ADDRESS_OF_WIRELESS_CLIENT> and ip Note: As I'm one of the wired clients connected to the EAP615-Wall I can connect to the wireless client via SSH and had to exclude the packets from the output....
I am using the openwrt-15.05-brcm2708-bcm2708-sdcard-vfat-ext4 image on a RasPi 2 model and managed to get it working in "client" mode in my home network, where the cable WiFi router is the "master" WiFi AP. This client get it's IP parameters from the WiFi AP via DHCP. I am...
If you have a Atheros wireless and run it in client-mode you have to install the wpa-supplicant package instead of hostapd. root@OpenWrt:~# opkg install wpa-supplicant 配置WPA (PSK) 使用UCI配置的WPA(PSK)的加密。 root@OpenWrt:~# uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption=psk ...
> I put in a cron entry to reboot the RasPi every 2 hours, it worked for > a day or two. Today even a reboot would not restore the WiFi > connection. I just shut the unit OFF! > > As mentioned in my OP, the USB WiFi dongle is "Realtek Semiconductor ...
Network and WiFi controller: provisioning, configuration management and updates, (pull via openwisp-config or push via SSH), x509 PKI management and more. Mainly OpenWRT, but designed to work also on other systems. - openwisp/openwisp-controller
and should work fine on more recent versions. After the flash, connect your PC to one of the LAN ports, internet to WAN port of the router and reboot. ssh into the router withssh root@openwrt.lanto enter the commands you will encounter in the following steps. You can access luci athtt...
上一章里折腾了OpenWRT的root分区扩容、防火墙、PPPoE、DHCP、软件源、DDNS等配置,这一章接着折腾OpenWRT,主要目的是实现外网访问。 一、网络规划 增加零刻EQ12后,家里的网络架构变成了这样: 即两个Wifi通过电信光猫拔号出口上互联网,零刻EQ12内各虚拟机通过OpenWrt拔号出口上互联网。鉴于同时挂载了网心云挣点电费...
wifi-device 配置项 wifi-device 所配置的是指设备中无线通讯硬件,很多情况中,一个设备只有一个无线通讯接口,所以只有一个 wifi-device 配置项,如果有多个无线通讯设备则会有多个 wifi-device 配置项,每个配置项用来指定不同的接口。 一个最小的 wifi-device 配置就像下面的例子,需要注意的是其中所指定的不同的芯...