option srv'_vlmcs._tcp'option target'cby'option port'1688'optionclass'0'option weight'100' 配置文件修改为以上配置即可,注意wan口的配置。若有wan6接口的配置,将以下配置添加到wan6。若没有即配置到wan口即可。 The configuration file can be modified to the above configuration, pay attention to the ...
1. 修改/etc/config/dhcp 有则改之,无则添加。自己稍微检查一下与已有的配置是否有明显冲突,有就把旧配置项删了 config dhcp'lan'optioninterface'lan'option start'100'option limit'150'option leasetime'12h'# new things from hereoption ra'relay'option dhcpv6'relay'option ndp'relay'config dhcp'wan'opt...
OpenWrt One路由器 | OpenWrt One/AP-24.XY 路由器板是OpenWrt开源社区的首款开发板,它基于联发科MT7981B SoC和MT7976C芯片组,拥有高速的WiFi 6、双频、多种网络接口、大容量内存和存储,以及M.2 SSD接口和USB 2.0接口等丰富的功能。 1. 高性能硬件配置 ...
wan 和 wan6 是默认配置 Wan and wan6 are the default configurations 同时wan6可以获取到原生IPv6 At the same time wan6 can get native IPv6 ssh链接之后,进行备份配置文件后,并进行修改 After the ssh link, after backing up the configuration file, and modifying it root@cby:~# vim /etc/config...
配置文件修改为以上配置即可,注意wan口的配置。若有wan6接口的配置,将以下配置添加到wan6。若没有即配置到wan口即可。 The configuration file can be modified to the above configuration, pay attention to the configuration of the wan port. If there is a wan6 interface configuration, add the following ...