Updated Home Assistant version to 2023.9.0. Walkthrough The pull request introduces enhancements to the OpenThread Border Router (OTBR) with version 2.13.0. The changes include adding a new REST API endpoint for deleting active and pending operational datasets, updating the OTBR POSIX version, and...
The changes in this pull request include updates to theCHANGELOG.mdandconfig.yamlfiles for the OpenThread Border Router, reflecting the release of version 2.12.2. The changelog documents enhancements to the flasher script for compatibility with the Home Assistant Yellow device. Additionally, theconfig....
In my case, Home Assistant is providing the Thread Border Router capability, since I don’t own a HomePod or Apple TV. To do that, Home Assistant uses the Open Threat Border Router that should play nicely with the SkyConnect stick mentioned above. I‘ve done a lot of debugging and the ...
我需要CC2652RB芯片的RCP固件。 我们将 对OpenThread边界路由器使用我们的解密器(使用CC2652RB)。 特别是对于此家庭助手插件:https://github.com/home-assistant/addons-development/tree/master/openthread_border_router 但通常,将其用于需要RCP而不是NCP的任何其它边界路由器是非常好的。 ...
有关如何基于 BeagleBone 构建 BorderRouter 的示例尚未完成(未提供提及的脚本) 、且基于过时的 Linux 发行版。 考虑到这一点-当产品准备好上市时、它将像瑞士奶酪一样容易受到影响。 我知道应该与 TI 产品经理进行这一讨论、但我认为在 TI 并不可行、因为无法与 TI 产品经理讨论这些主...
openthread_border_router/CHANGELOG.md [misspelling] ~5-~5: This word is normally spelled as one. Context: ...log ## 2.9.0 - Avoid triggering reset/boot loader on TI CC2652 based devices ## 2.8.0 -... (EN_COMPOUNDS_BOOT_LOADER) ...
A standalone RPC server based on HomeAssistant's Silicon Labs multiprotocol addon docker-imagethreadopenthreadzigbeehomeassistantzigbee2mqttopenthread-border-routermultipanskyconnect UpdatedAug 25, 2024 Shell EFR32 dev firmware for different projects ...
Nice, we use mDNSResponder for the Home Assistant OTBR add-on as well. I've upstreamed a mDNSResponder bump with some patches a while ago, I guess you have seen those patches (seehttps://github.com/openthread/ot-br-posix/tree/main/third_party/mDNSResponder)? Maybe some of these patches...
otbr-agent: OpenThread Border Router agent ot-ctl: OpenThread Border Router ctrl tool ot-daemon-iwxxx-spi: OpenThread Daemon for OpenThread client of the IW612 chipset ot-client-iwxxx-spi: OpenThread ctrl tool for OpenThread client of the IW612 chipset otbr-agent-iwxxx-spi: OpenThread Border...
openthread_border_router/0002-set-netif-route-metric-lower.patch ✅ Files skipped from review due to trivial changes (1) openthread_border_router/config.yaml 🧰 Additional context used 📓 Path-based instructions (3) openthread_border_router/CHANGELOG.md (6) ...