而opentelemetry-cpp则是opentelemetry中对标准规范SDK的C++实现。 其本质原因是opentelemetry-cpp规范要求api组件必须是header-only的(https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-cpp/blob/main/docs/requirements.md#requirements)。 opentelemetry-cpp一直以来仅仅提供了跨平台的静态库支持,对动态库并没有找到一个特...
Opentelemetry-cpp的Logs模块标准更新 背景 Opentelemetry-cpp是可观测领域,opentelemetry(CNCF基金会孵化项目)的C++ SDK接入层。opentelemetry里面主要是分链路跟踪(Trace)、指标(Metrics)、日志(Logs)三大块。 同时opentelemetry有一个标准规范文档opentelemetry-specification,而SDK实现主要就是来对这个标准规范文档的特定语言实...
Opentelemetry-cpp是可观测领域,opentelemetry(CNCF基金会孵化项目)的C++ SDK接入层。opentelemetry里面主要是分链路跟踪(Trace)、指标(Metrics)、日志(Logs)三大块。 同时opentelemetry有一个标准规范文档opentelemetry-specification,而SDK实现主要就是来对这个标准规范文档的特定语言实现。 由于日志(Logs)这一块一直处于Experim...
main Breadcrumbs opentelemetry-cpp /x / config.yaml Latest commit HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 11 lines (10 loc) · 258 Bytes Raw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 database: file: folder: "./data" extension: "json" schemas: panels_path: "./cue/schemas/panels" ...
This branch is801 commits ahead ofopen-telemetry/opentelemetry-cpp:main. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 2,261 Commits .devcontainer .github .vscode ...
project(opentelemetry-cpp) # Mark variables as used so cmake doesn't complain about them mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) # Prefer cmake CONFIG to auto resolve dependencies. set(CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG TRUE) # Don't use customized cmake modules if vcpkg is used to re...
For applications that use the legacy JDBC API (that is, not X DevAPI or X DevAPI for C) on Linux systems and use OpenTelemetry (OTel) instrumentation, the connector adds query and connection spans to the trace generated by application code and forwards the current OpenTelemetry context to the...
opentelemetry-cpp-contrib-源码 开发技术 - 其它此别**路人 上传97KB 文件格式 zip OpenTelemetry C ++贡献者 该存储库包含扩展OpenTelemetry SDK功能的组件集。 仪器库,导出器和其他组件可在此处找到它们的主页。 贡献 有关如何捐款的信息,请参阅 支持 该存储库接受公共捐助。 各个组件由众多贡献者开发。 主要...
[SDK] Restore Recordable API compatibility with versions < 1.14.0 by @dbolduc in https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-cpp/pull/2547 [RELEASE] Release opentelemetry-cpp version 1.14.1 by @marcalff in https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-cpp/pull/2551 Important changes [...
opentelemetry-exporter-etw opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger (thrift + UDP/HTTP) ##Changelog API No API change SDK fix: urlPaser will incorrect parsing url like "http://abc.com/xxx@xxx/a/b" #1511 Rename InstrumentationLibrary to InstrumentationScope #1507 Add automatic...