# systemctl start mariadb.service 2)运行mysql_secure_installation脚本来保证数据库安全,为root账户设置一个合适的密码 # mysql_secure_installation 8、消息队列 OpenStack使用消息队列来协调服务之间的状态和操作,消息队列服务一般运行在控制节点上。,OpenStack支持RabbitMQ,Qpid以及ZeroMQ等消息队列服务。本指南使用Ra...
Message queue for RHEL and CentOS — Installation Guide documentation 使用的rabbitmq,依然是安装在130服务器上,安装步骤: 1,Install the package: yum install rabbitmq-server -y 2,Start the message queue service and configure it to start when the system boots: 启动服务并加入自启动 systemctl enable...
#安装SQL [root@controller ~]# yum install mariadb mariadb-server python2-PyMySQL -y #配置SQL [root@controller /]# vim /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf [mysqld] #修改为本机的网卡IP bind-address = default-storage-engine = innodb innodb_file_per_table = on max_connections =...
安装说明文档:https://docs.openstack.org/install-guide/openstack-services.html 配置文件说明:https://docs.openstack.org/ocata/config-reference/ 下载虚拟机镜像:https://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/ 1、准备基础虚拟机 1.1、安装服务器 1..1、虚拟机配置 内存:2G(越大越好) 处理器:2个(越多越好...
使用OpenStack构建企业私有云,本教程偏重于动手实操能力,主要用于帮助那些OpenStack 初学者能更加熟练地使用OpenStack,同时也适用于刚刚从事Linux 运维/开发的童鞋,去更加了解OpenStack。本教程全是个人工作实践经验分享,若需了解Openstack 理论知识可以查阅官档(https://docs.openstack.org/)。
OpenStack packages for RHEL and CentOS — Installation Guide documentation Starting with the Ussuri release, you will need to use either CentOS8 or RHEL 8. Previous OpenStack releases will need to use either CentOS7 or RHEL 7. Instructions are included for both distributions and versions where ...
Before deploying an AR6700V, plan the required certificate information based on the system connected to the AR6700V. The certificate planning varies according to the interconnected system, as described in Table 1-3. Table 1-3 Certificate planning Source Interconnected System Interconnection Mode ...
Before deploying an AR6700V, plan the required certificate information based on the system connected to the AR6700V. The certificate planning varies according to the interconnected system, as described in Table 1-3. Table 1-3 Certificate planning Source Interconnected System Interconnection Mode ...
cps installation type (mobile|mog|pats|arbiter|andsf|escef) description: cps installation type (mobile|mog|pats|arbiter|andsf|escef) default: mobile cps_az_1: type: string label: first availability zone description: az for "first half" of cluster default:...
cps installation type (mobile|mog|pats|arbiter|andsf|escef) description: cps installation type (mobile|mog|pats|arbiter|andsf|escef) default: mobile cps_az_1: type: string label: first availability zone description: az for "first half" of cluster defaul...