当你在编译或配置某个软件时遇到“configure: error: cannot find openssl's libraries”这个错误,这通常意味着你的系统尚未安装OpenSSL库,或者OpenSSL库的安装位置没有被正确识别。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 1. 确认系统中已安装OpenSSL库 首先,你需要确认你的系统中是否已经安装了OpenSSL库。你可以通过系统的包...
openssl-libraries Star Here is 1 public repository matching this topic... Language:Shell x2on/OpenSSL-for-iPhone Star2.4k Code Issues Pull requests A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, Watch, iPod Touch, AppleTV, MacCatalyst)...
06 系统环境变量加了openssl的路径了没?加了 path里面 包括单独openssl_libraries 我都设置了 ...
在Ubuntu 12.4.1 X64 位下编译安装PHP时提示 configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's libraries 确认已安装过 openssl、libssl-dev 包,还是会提示该错误; 解决办法: root@test2:~/php-5.3.27# find / -name libssl.so 输出结果为: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so 初步判断它可能只会在 /usr/l...
set (CURL_USE_OPENSSL OFF CACHE BOOL "") #unset (OPENSSL_LIBRARIES) add_subdirectory(curl) With the commented line your'll get: -- Looking for stddef.h - found -- Check size of size_t CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. ...
configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL’s libraries 出现这种有2中情况,一种是没有安装 openssl,另一种是安装了找不到libssl.so 文件。 先安装openssl sudo apt-getinstall openssl 如果还提示该错误的话,查找一下libssl.so所在位置,重新连接一下 find/-name libssl.so ...
configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's libraries 出现这种有2中情况,一种是没有安装 openssl,另一种是安装了找不到libssl.so 文件。 先安装openssl sudo apt-get install openssl 如果还提示该错误的话,查找一下libssl.so所在位置,重新连接一下 find / -name libssl.so ...
错误: configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's libraries解决方法: yum install openssl openssl-devel openssl-libs备注: 64位系统在编译时加上--with...
大家好编译Php5.6时,configure报错。本机用apt安装的openssl 和devel版本高,怕是不兼容php5.6,所以又编译openssl低版本为shared模式,在php编译参数中,也指定了低版本openssl的路径,可还是报错了,难道还需...
There are situations where fully static linking of the openssl application or applications making use of the OpenSSL libraries is a must. This implies that any third-party provider (and its dependencies) used in such applications should ...