://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html以该工具为例,安装步骤和使用方法如下: 2.1 选择32位或者64位合适的版本下载,例如Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_0_2h.exe: 2.2 设置环境变量,例如工具安装在C:\OpenSSL-Win64,则将C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin;复制到Path中2.3 打开命令行程序cmd(以管理员身份运行 ...
HTTPS安全通信需要“数字证书”,.NetCore中支持X.509格式标准的安全证书,所以我们先要搞一个X509自签名证书(正规的网站需要向CA机构申请证书),这里推荐大家用OpenSSL工具生成证书。 Windows版本下载地址:http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html,如果只是自测使用,下载简化版Light的exe格式的直接安装就行。 CMD...
cnf -subj "/C=CN/ST=BJ/L=BeiJing/O=BTC/OU=MOST/CN=Light Zhang/emailAddress=ca@test.com" subj内容详解: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 1 C = Country Name (2 letter code) 2 ST = State or Province Name (full name) 3 L = Locality Name (eg, city) [...
Microsoft’s decision to use this roots means that any browser that doesn’t use the CryptoAPI certificate validation functions (Safari, Opera, Chrome on non-Windows platforms, Firefox, etc.) will fail to validate this certificate. This was probably done to allow them to do pinning using the...
14 Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:Light Zhang # 这里就是证书上的:颁发者 15 Email Address []:ca@test.com 当然上述的公钥制作方式需要交互式输入信息,如果不想频繁输入,那么可以使用如下命令: 1 ## 免交互式制作CA公钥 ...
http://www.shininglightpro.com/search.php?searchname=Win32+OpenSSL execute: openssl.exe enter the commands: pkcs12 -in <pfx-file> -nokeys -out <pem-certs-file> pkcs12 -in <pfx-file> -nocerts -nodes -out <pem-key-file> Next export from IE Root CA certificate as Base-64 *.cer ...
KS X 3246 LEA - Lightweight Encryption Algorithm (TTAK.KO-12.0223) KS X 3262 LSH - A New Fast Secure Hash Function Family (in Korean) NIST SP800-186 X25519 Diffie-Hellman (OpenSSL compliant) NIST SP800-38D GCM AEAD mode for 128-bit block ciphers (RFC 5288) RFC 1423: Privacy Enhancem...
14 Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:Light Zhang # 这里就是证书上的:颁发者 15 Email Address []:ca@test.com 当然上述的公钥制作方式需要交互式输入信息,如果不想频繁输入,那么可以使用如下命令: 1 ## 免交互式制作CA公钥 ...
Win32 OpenSSL v3.4.1 Light EXE | MSI 4MB Installer Installs the most commonly used essentials of Win32 OpenSSL v3.4.1 (Only install this if you need 32-bit OpenSSL for Windows). Note that this is a default build of OpenSSL and is subject to local and state laws. More information can...
choco install openssl.light -y Linux Ubuntu sudo apt install openssl CentOS / RedHat sudo yum install openssl macOS Homebrew brew update brew install opensslecho'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin:$PATH"'>> ~/.bash_profilesource~/.bash_profile ...