Info[@"signNameEndTime"] = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ +8'00'",[self localStringFromUTCDate:effectiveDate]]; NSString * signName = CertificateGetIssuerName(certificateX509); cerInfo[@"signName"] = signName; NSLog(@"name:%@",signName); int version = X509_get_version(certificate...
关于证书使用者,我们可以通过调用函数X509_get_subject_name)获取属性。同样,该函数返回的是X509_NAME类型,需要调用函数X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID()将其转化为ASCII字符形式。具体通过下面函数实现: ULONG COpenSSLCertificate::get_SubjectName(LPSTR lpValue, ULONG *pulLen) { int iLen = 0; int iSubNameLen ...
usrCert1 = d2i_X509(NULL,(unsigned const char **)&pTmp,usrCertificate1Len); if(usrCert1 == NULL){ perror("d2i_X509 failed\n"); return -1; } printf("3\n"); pTmp = usrCertificate2; usrCert2 = d2i_X509(NULL,(unsigned const char **)&pTmp,usrCertificate2Len); if(usrCert2 ==...
getCertificateInfo(demoCertificate, function(err, data){ if (err) { console.log(err) } else { console.log(data); /* => * { * certificate: '---BEGIN CERTIFICATE---[...]', * issuer: { * C: 'US', * ST: 'State', * L: 'Location', * O: 'Organization', * CN: 'Common ...
info # Now you can start server with the client certificate & the private key: # openssl s_server -no_dhe -accept 8000 -www -key client.key -cert client.crt # and connect to server with: # curl --cacert client.crt https://localhost:8000 - debug: var=crt_info - openssl_certificate...
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, CLIENTCERT, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) 返回值, <= 0表示错误. 过程: 1 读取client证书, 证书存放格式: pem (der编码的BASE64表示) PEM_read_bio_X509, 解析为X509格式 2 SSL_CTX_use_certificate 2.1 ssl_set_cert ...
unsignedlong usrCertificate1Len; unsignedchar usrCertificate2[4096]; unsignedlong usrCertificate2Len; unsignedchar derCrl[4096]; unsignedlong derCrlLen; unsignedchar derRootCert[4096]; unsignedlong derRooCertLen; int i,rv; X509_STORE_CTX *ctx = NULL; ...
它是由一个由权威机构---CA机构,又称为证书授权(CertificateAuthority)中心发行的,人们可以在网上用它来识别对方的身份。数字证书是一个经证书授权中心数字签名的包含公开密钥拥有者信息以及公开密钥的文件。最简单的证书包含一个公开密钥、名称以及证书授权中心的数字签名 数字...
(输入CA私钥保护密码) # 查看证书内容, 以确保证书生成正确 $ openssl x509 -noout -text -in certs/rootca.cer Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: f8:a5:89:11:71:df:45:d1 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSCNncryption Issuer: C=CN, L=shanghai, O=kubesre, OU=ACS, CN=*...
序列号:由CA给予每一个证书分配的唯一的数字型编号,当证书被取消时,实际上是将此证书序列号放入由CA签发的CRL(Certificate Revocation List证书作废表,...