int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file) // 将证书x509添加到与ctx关联的额外链证书。可以依次添加多个证书。 long SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(SSL_CTX ctx, X509 *x509) // 清除与ctx关联的所有额外链证书。 long SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs(SSL_CTX *ctx)...
bash chmod +x ./ 这样,你就可以自动化地验证证书链的有效性了。 总结:通过准备证书链文件、使用OpenSSL命令行工具进行验证、检查验证输出以及处理可能的验证错误,你可以确保你的证书链是有效的,并且可以根据需要编写脚本来自动化这个过程。
if ((chain_ss == NULL) || !ctx->check_issued(ctx, x, chain_ss)) { if (ctx->last_untrusted >= num) ctx->error=X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY; else ctx->error=X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT; ctx->current_cert=x; } else { sk_X509_push(ctx->chain,ch...
87 --- Certificate chain 0 s:C = CN, ST = \E5\8C\97\E4\BA\AC\E5\B8\82, O = "BeiJing Baidu Netcom Science Technology Co., Ltd", CN = i:C = US, O = DigiCert Inc, CN = DigiCert Secure Site Pro CN CA G3 1...
int_X509_STORE_CTX_init (X509_STORE_CTX * ctx, X509_STORE *store,X509 * X509;, STACK_OF (X509) *chain);;* 功能:初始化证书存储的上下文环境,设置根证书,待验证证书,CA证书链。 15. 检定证书功能 Int_X509_verify_cert (X509_STORE_CTX * ctx); ...
ordering = yes # Is ordering defined for timestamps? # (optional, default: no) tsa_name = yes # Must the TSA name be included in the reply? # (optional, default: no) ess_cert_id_chain = no # Must the ESS cert id chain be included? # (optional, default: no)...
exit."; exit; } rm -rf "$HOME"/Server ; exit 1; fi # 将根证书与二级证书合并为证书链 echo "---" echo "~$ cat $SignCert $HOME/SecondCA/secondca.crt $HOME/CA/rootca.crt > $ChainCert" if ! cat "$SignCert" "$HOME"/SecondCA/secondca.crt "$HOME"/CA/rootca.crt > "$Chain...
openssl s_client also provides the capability to test TLS client auth. There are a couple of ways to do this by using both the-certand-keyoptions. This example makes use of only the-certoption, by combining both the certificate and private key used for authentication in the same file. ...
(try using -rpath or -rpath-link)../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `X509_EXTENSION_get_object@OPENSSL_1_1_0'../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `SHA256_Final@OPENSSL_1_1_0'../lib/.libs/ undefined reference to `SSL_get_peer_cert_chain@OPENSSL_...
openssl verify -partial_chain -trusted SubCA.crt cert.crt 说明: 1、命令信息 输入命令:openssl verify -help 2、为什么不能使用原来的那个命令? 官方文档指路: 重点信息: (1)原本的写法,要求CA链必须到达根证书,否则就报错。