Below, you will find pre-compiled OpenSSL executables (EXE) and libraries (DLL) for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems in the form of installer and ZIP files. OpenSSL can be used standalone or integrated into any Windows application. The installers, EXEs and DLLs are digitally signed with our ...
Below, you will find pre-compiled OpenSSL executables (EXE) and libraries (DLL) for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems in the form of installer and ZIP files. OpenSSL can be used standalone or integrated into any Windows application. The installers, EXEs and DLLs are digitally signed with our ...
根据INSTALL文件的说明, 在Windows下编译需要执行以下命令: On WindowsINSTALL 1 2 3 4 Copy perl Configure { VC-WIN32 | VC-WIN64A | VC-WIN64I | VC-CE } nmake nmake test nmake install 还有一些编译选项, 但篇幅过长, 这边不一一贴出了. 除非需要某些特性, 否则可以不带任何编译选项. 打开该工具...
3.1 cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\amd64 3.2 vcvars64.bat 4. 运行Configure cd C:\openssl C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\perl\bin\perl Configure VC-WIN64A Configuring for VC-WIN64A no-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 [default] OPENSSL_NO_EC_NISTP_64_GCC_128...
Win64 OpenSSL v3.4.0 Light for ARM(EXPERIMENTAL) EXE | MSI 6MB Installer Installs the most commonly used essentials of Win64 OpenSSL v3.4.0 for ARM64 devices (Only install this VERY EXPERIMENTAL build if you want to try 64-bit OpenSSL for Windows on ARM processors). Note that this is ...
Working Directory: A:/vcpkg/buildtrees/openssl/x64-windows-dbg See logs for more information: A:\vcpkg\buildtrees\openssl\install-x64-windows-dbg-nmake-out.log A:\vcpkg\buildtrees\openssl\install-x64-windows-dbg-nmake-err.log Call Stack (most recent call first): ...
●此处我选用的ActivePerl的版本是ActivePerl 5.24.0 for windows (64bit ,x64);perl语言,在此处只是用于配置。 ●本机使用的是Window8系统; ●无特别说明,命令都在windows dos控制台上进行,即CTRL+R,cmd,回车。 二、具体操作步骤 1、解压下载的openssl-1.0.1u,并指定解压目录(我是在电脑D盘下面,新建了一个...
●此处我选用的ActivePerl的版本是ActivePerl 5.24.0 for windows (64bit ,x64);perl语言,在此处只是用于配置。 ●本机使用的是Window8系统; ●无特别说明,命令都在windows dos控制台上进行,即CTRL+R,cmd,回车。 二、具体操作步骤 1、解压下载的openssl-1.0.1u,并指定解压目录(我是在电脑D盘下面,新建了一个...
windows 编译好的openssl 库 可以直接使用 上传者:qq_39387589时间:2022-01-13 openssl-1.1.1c x32 openssl-1.1.1c 库版本VS2017编译,包含了32 64位版本。目录结构 include lib bin 上传者:qing666888时间:2019-07-30 openssl1.1.1_32bit编译成果物静态库.rar ...
Win64 OpenSSL v3.4.0 Light for ARM(EXPERIMENTAL) EXE | MSI 6MB Installer Installs the most commonly used essentials of Win64 OpenSSL v3.4.0 for ARM64 devices (Only install this VERY EXPERIMENTAL build if you want to try 64-bit OpenSSL for Windows on ARM processors). Note that this is ...