openssl_get_privatekey(); 别名openssl_pkey_get_private(); // 从证书导出私匙;openssl_public_encrypt(string $data , string &$crypted , mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL\_PKCS1\_PADDING ] ) 1. 2. 使用公匙加密数据,其中data是要加密的数据;data是要加密的数据;data是要加密的数据;crypt...
if (!openssl_pkey_export($keys, $privateKey)) die('Failed to retrieve private key.'."\n"); $javaKey = convertPemToDer($privateKey); file_put_contents('key_for_java.der', $javaKey); ?> Exporting a public key for use with JCE is trickier, since the Java libraries require the...
这个命令从私钥中提取公钥,并保存在public.key文件中。 2. 密钥转换: openssl rsa -in private.key -outform PEM -out private.pem 这个命令将私钥从DER格式转换为PEM格式,并保存在private.pem文件中。 3. 加密解密数据: openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e -in plaintext.txt -out ciphertext.txt -k mypasswo...
AdiIRC needs the cert to be in pfx format, so after creating a self-signed cert.pem containing both the public RSA cert and the private RSA key, I need to export this to .pfx format. In OpenSSL v1.1.1L I can press at the password prompts from: ...
Create a private key file without a password. openssl rsa -passin pass:abc-in privkey.pem -out johnsmith.key Create a new X.509 certificate for the new user, digitally sign it using the user's private key, and certify it using the CA private key. The following command line creates a...
export PASSWORD="password" export USERNAME=$(hostnamectl --static) # Generate a private key openssl genrsa -out "${USERNAME}Key.pem" 2048 # Generate a CSR (Certificate Sign Request) openssl req -new -key "${USERNAME}Key.pem" -out "${USERNAME}Req.pem" -subj "/CN=${USERNAME}" # ...
openssl_pkey_export($res, $privateKey); var_dump($res); var_dump($config); var_dump(openssl_error_string()); and get the error: error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value next, i added the value in config/config.php: ...
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout yourdomain.key \ -out yourdomain.csr \ -subj "/C=US/ST=Utah/L=Lehi/O=Your Company, Inc./OU=IT/" This command generates a new private key (-newkey) using the RSA algorithm with a 2048-bit key length (rsa:2048) without using a...
This command generates a new private key (-newkey) using the RSA algorithm with a 2048-bit key length (rsa:2048) without using a passphrase (-nodes) and then creates the key file with a name of yourdomain.key (-keyout yourdomain.key). ...
openssl pkcs12 -export -out demo.pfx -inkey demo.key -in demo_cert.crt 特例:windows 2016服务导入pfx证书时,可能会报密钥错误,指定密钥重新生成 openssl pkcs12 -macalg SHA1 -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES-export -out demo.pfx -inkey private.key -in demo_cert.crt...