3) 生成证书请求文件:..\openssl req -out server.csr -key server.key -new 4) 生成证书文件:..\openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out client.crt -days 36500
下载地址:http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads/ (安装过程只要按照Windows下一般程序的安装步骤进行即可) 下载openssl-1.0.1g(其他版本也可以)并解压 下载地址:http://www.openssl.org/source/(建议解压后的文件路径为C:\openssl,PS:只是为了下文的内容匹配,并且方便寻找,其他路径也无不影响)。 安装P...
#生成证书请求文件 openssl req -new -key Clientkey.key -out Client.csr -subj "/C=CN/ST=SHANDONG/L=JINAN/O=Inspur/OU=TestCenter/CN=WindowsClient" #使用根证书签发客户端证书 openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha512 -extensions v3_req -CA cacert.pem -CAkey Cakey.key -CAserial Ca.srl -in Cl...
3.源码编译 我这里使用的是VS2017,操作系统是windows10 64位因此找到VS2017的安装目录下的vcvars64.bat,一般在VC\Auxiliary\Build\中,配置64位程序运行环境。 这里先记住路径E:\VS2017\VC\Auxiliary\Build,之后会用到vcvars64.bat。 1.找到vs命令行工具,右键以管理员身份打开。 或者通过命令进入 cd 进入刚刚记下...
openssl下载地址https://www.openssl.org/source/,可以选择下载tar.gz的编译文件,也可以下载exe文件:http://slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_1_1d.exe,本文采用后者 下载并安装好后,cmd到安装目录,例如:D:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin>,至此,准备工作已完成 ...
Win32 OpenSSL v3.4.0 EXE | MSI 180MB Installer Installs Win32 OpenSSL v3.4.0 (Only install this if you need 32-bit OpenSSL for Windows). Note that this is a default build of OpenSSL and is subject to local and state laws. More information can be found in the legal agreement of the...
1.下载OpenSSL的windows版本 32位:openssl-1.0.2a-i386-win32.zip 64位:openssl-1.0.2a-x64_86-win64.zip 下载之后解压即可使用,不过软件缺少配置文件 2.建立配置文件 在解压后的目录, 即openssl.exe所在目录新建配置文件,名为openssl-1.0.2a.cnf,内容如下 ...
Download OpenSSL Binary Distributions for Microsoft Windows Installing OpenSSL Windows Installer You can download the Windows installers in the "Download OpenSSL" section above. Installation is straightforward. OpenSSL is installed into the following file system locations, which is specified during the build...
Download OpenSSL Binary Distributions for Microsoft Windows Installing OpenSSL Windows Installer You can download the Windows installers in the "Download OpenSSL" section above. Installation is straightforward. OpenSSL is installed into the following file system locations, which is specified during the build...
In some situations, it can be useful to generate a CSR using OpenSSL. This manual describes the installation of OpenSSL under Windows. Download the OpenSSL for Windows installation package. Double-click the installation file. If the following error message appears, you should install Microsoft ...