[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x86' C:\Windows\System32>D: D:\>cd D:\openssl32\openssl-1.0.2p D:\openssl32\openssl-1.0.2p>perl configure VC-WIN32 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 得到如下结果 D:\openssl32\openssl-1.0.2p>perl configure VC-WIN32 Configuring for VC-WIN...
第三步:管理员打开vs的x64 command prompt,输入命令(易错点:第一路径一定要用双引号,不然命令识别错误,第二在lib11库的目录下输入命令): nmake /f Makefile.mak OPENSSL_DIR="C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64"BUILD_FOR=WIN64 最后得到编译结果,会在src目录下生成pkcs11.dll,以及libp11.dll: 3.2 SoftHSM库...
执行perl Configure VC-WIN64A no-asm --prefix=g:\build\openssl\win64a VC-WIN64A表示生成x64的Release库。debug-VC-WIN64A、VC-WIN32、debug-VC-WIN32分别表示生成x64的Debug库、x86的Release和Debug库。 no-asm 不使用汇编加速编译 g:\build\openssl\win64a输出路径 注意:此时makefile文件中默认使用/...
切换到openssl编译目录,输入: perl Configure debug-VC-WIN32 no-asm --prefix="E:\openssl-1.0.2e\build-debug" debug-VC-WIN32表示Windows 32位系统,64位系统请换成debug-VC-WIN64A Release版本去掉debug, 改为VC-WIN32或者VC-WIN64A no-asm表示不用汇编,不设置此属性,会导致编译不过 3. 生成编译配置...
perl Configure VC-WIN64-ARM如果您想要 Windows on Arm (win-arm64) OpenSSL 或 perl Configure 让 Configure 找出平台 nmake nmake test nmake install To build for Win64/x64: perl Configure VC-WIN64A --prefix=c:\some\openssl\dir ms\do_win64a ...
vcpkg install openssl:x64-windows Failure logs -- Using cached openssl-openssl-openssl-3.2.1.tar.gz. -- Cleaning sources at I:/cppCode/vcpkg/buildtrees/openssl/src/nssl-3.2.1-8707343470.clean. Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify. ...
Win64 OpenSSL v3.4.1 for ARM(EXPERIMENTAL) EXE | MSI 176MB Installer Installs Win64 OpenSSL v3.4.1 for ARM64 devices (Only install this VERY EXPERIMENTAL build if you want to try 64-bit OpenSSL for Windows on ARM processors). Note that this is a default build of OpenSSL and is subjec...
Working Directory: A:/vcpkg/buildtrees/openssl/x64-windows-dbg See logs for more information: A:\vcpkg\buildtrees\openssl\install-x64-windows-dbg-nmake-out.log A:\vcpkg\buildtrees\openssl\install-x64-windows-dbg-nmake-err.log Call Stack (most recent call first): scripts/cmake/vcpkg_build...
INSTALL Linux, Unix, Windows, OpenVMS, ... NOTES.* INSTALL addendums for different platforms --- 不同平台的安装附录 也就是说, 我们要阅读「 INSTALL 」和「 NOTES.WIN 」这两个文件. 文件里给出了多种编译方式, 但都需要用到Perl, 所以先去下载该程序(可能需要注册账户), 我下的是5.28版本. 安...
Git for Windows Strawberry Perl. Compilation The actual command line to build OpenSSL is as follows (where %toolset% is VC-WIN32 and VC-WIN64A, respectively): perl ..\Configure %toolset% no-asm no-ssl3 no-zlib no-comp no-autoload-config --api=1.1.0 --prefix="%installdir%" --open...