source docker:// docker Get"https://d...
1. OpenShift image 实践 在OpenShfit(OCP,Openshift Container Platform) 集群外执行kubectl get route以获取 openshift-image-registry namespace 下的 route: [root@chunqiu~]# kubectlgetroute-n openshift-image-registry--kubeconfig configNAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICES PORT TERMINATION WILDCARDdefault-routedef...
在ObjectBucketClaim 数据 中,在 openshift-image-registry namespace 中查找 MCG access key 和MCG secret key。 使用以下命令创建 secret: $ oc create secret generic image-registry-private-configuration-user --from-lit...
#oc edit cluster 这时候,registry-config中不包含新的mirror registry证书。 我们根据新的mirror registry,创建一个cm: [root@lb.weixinyucluster /opt/registry/certs]# oc create cm davidwei-crt -n openshift
x509 error is prompted when using the openshift-image-registry default route to create a pod. Raw $ oc get ev 28s Warning Failed pod/my-deployment-b7f5d4c86-t7pv2 Failed to pull image "": rpc...
If there is no image-registry resource at all, check if the image-registry operator deployment exists: oc get deployment/cluster-image-registry-operator -n openshift-image-registry If the operator deployment exists, check for the corresponding pod and, if it exists, check its logs: ...
FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'ProvisioningFailed' failed to provision volume with StorageClass "nfs-storage-provisioner": unable to create directory to provision new pv: mkdir /persistentvolumes/openshift-image-registry-registry-pvc-pvc-8617bc9a-0321-44d7-9192-5823df3e277f: permission...
We have a private container registry server with self-signed certificate for air gap install of Cloud Pak for Business Automation(CP4BA)21.0.3. We found when trying to pull the container images from private container registry server in OpenShift Containe