OpenShift CLI,简称 oc(openshift-client),下载地址:,本次使用 OKD 4.5 版本,最新 GA tag 为 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-07-14-153706-ga。 $ wget
一种是利用一个代理(proxy),把外部 IP 地址转化为后端的 Pod IP 地址。这就是 OpenShift router/route 的思路。OpenShift 中的 router 服务,是一个运行在特定节点(通常是基础架构节点)上的集群基础服务,由集群管理员负责创建和管理。它可以有多个副本(pod)。router 中可有多个 route,每个 route 能通过外部HTTP...
git clone In the root of the local repository, run maven cd jenkins-client-plugin mvn clean package Maven will build target/openshift-client.hpi (the Jenkins plug-in binary) Open Jenkins in your browser, and navigate (as an adminis...
1. Create the folder and copy the binary for the version you choose: $sudomkdir/opt/openshift/client/x.y.z $sudocp/binary/path/x.y.z/oc /opt/openshift/client/x.y.z/ 2. Create a newalternative: $sudoalternatives--install/bin/oc oc /opt/openshift/client/x.y.z/oc90 3. Next, ...
Openshift Client Node.js based client for the Openshift REST API, not unlike the Fabric8 Maven Plugin, but for node clients/builds. Basic Usage npm install --save openshift-rest-client Code: const openshiftRestClient = require('openshift-rest-client').OpenshiftClient; openshiftRestClient()...
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient PrivateLinkResourcesClient ResolvePrivateLinkServiceIdsClient SnapshotsClient TrustedAccessRoleBindingsClient TrustedAccessRolesClient Resource Management - Hybrid C...
$ oc help OpenShift Client This client helps you develop, build, deploy, and run your applications on any OpenShift or Kubernetes compatible platform. It also includes the administrative commands for managing a cluster under the 'adm' subcommand. Usage: oc [flags] Basic Commands: login ...
Update OpenShift client tools on the Management host to match the target ※ OpenShift release. On RHEL 8, one can do it like this: Raw # current=4.10; new=4.12 # sudo subscription-manager repos \ --disable=rhocp-${current}-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms --enable=rhocp-${new}-for-rhel-...
ManagedClustersClient OpenShiftManagedClustersClient OperationsClient PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient PrivateLinkResourcesClient ResolvePrivateLinkServiceIdsClient SnapshotsClient
anaconda-ks.cfg calico.yaml openshift-origin-server-v3.11.0-0cbc58b-linux-64bit.tar.gz calico_3_14.tar ┌──[]-[~]└─$tar-xzf openshift-origin-server-v3.11.0-0cbc58b-linux-64bit.tar.gz...