WARNING PlainHandler::handle() - non-homogeneos constraint for node 7 homo assumedWARNING PlainHandler::handle() - non-homogeneos constraint for node 8 homo assumedWARNING PlainHandler::handle() - constraint at dof 0 already specified for constrained node in MP_Constraint at node 4WARNING Plai...
节点等 梁的几何大变形模 拟 remove element remove loadPattern remove parameter remove node remove recorders remove SPconstraint 动态荷载模拟 13 其他 wipe wipeAnalysis reset loadConst 14 OpenSees模拟结构倒塌的简单算例 OpenSees 简介 弹性混凝土框架系统 2 梁: 1.5X2.4 m OpenSees模拟结构倒塌的功能 2 柱...
The Transformation handler tries to remove (transform) the equation for the constrained DOF making it a function of the retained DOF. When this constrained equation (eliminated) is to be used as a retained equation in the second MP constraint, it won't be found, thus the second constraint wi...
Improved : Body constraint (equalDOF) condition is split into two conditions, for master and slave nodes, respectively. Body constraints are now defined on the geometry model Improved : Pushover Analysis. In case of analysis divergence,substeppingand alternative convergence criteria are automatically ap...
1利用零长单元模拟阻尼,uniaxialMaterial Elastic 1 ;uniaxialMaterial Viscous 2 1;uniaxialMaterial Parallel 3 3 5;element zeroLength
C U=0 Ur=[Ur Uc]^ransformation ConstraintHandleragrange Penaltyorall nodes in Domainonstruct and add DOF_Grouporall elements in Domainonstruct and add FE_Elementorall SP_Constraints in Domainonstruct and add PenaltySP_FEorall MP_Constraints in Domainonstruct and add PenaltyMP(}_FEandle()...
Create a multi-point constraint between nodes. * rNodeTag (int) : integer tag identifying the retained, or master node. * cNodeTag (int) : integer tag identifying the constrained, or slave node. * numDOF (int) : number of dofs to be constrained ...
sliprelationship.Theeffectoftiestirrupratio,concreteconstraintwidthandextendedlengthonrein~ forcementstress—sliprelationshipwasanalyzed.Thederivedreinforcementstress—slipskeletoncurve couldbeappliedtotheOpenSeessoftware,whichwasusedtosimulatethereinforcementbondslip. ...
Domain Element Node MP_Constraint SP_Constraint LoadPattern TimeSeries Material Element Load Node Load SP_Constraint 图 2.9 建立各对象的命令及存储方式 2.6 进行有限元分析纤维模型成功建立后,需要程序按照既定的模型、工况、输出控制等设置进行 有限元分析,同时,用户还需要对分析进行各项设置。执行...
constraint 命令用于指定如何处理模型中的约束。模型中的约束分为两种,分别是单点(Single Point)约束 SP_Constratint 和多点(Multiple Point)约束 MP_Constraint 。其中:单点约束,是指对结点本身的约束,如 fix 代表节点的自由度约束,即支座。此外还有外加位移等。多点...